Cisco IP Solution Center L2VPN an d Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6. 0
defining an Ethernet ERS (EVPL) policy with CE 7-3
defining an Ethernet ERS (EVPL) policy without
CE 7-9
defining an Ethernet EWS (EPL) policy with CE 7-15
defining an Ethernet EWS (EPL) policy without
CE 7-22
L2VPN service requests
creating 8-2
creating an ERS (EVPL), ATM, or frame rel ay L2VPN
service request with CE 8-2
creating an ERS (EVPL), ATM, or frame rel ay L2VPN
service request without CE 8-11
creating an EWS (EPL) L2VPN service request with
CE 8-8
creating an EWS (EPL) L2VPN service reques t
without CE 8-16
introducing 8-1
managing 8-1
modifying 8-20
saving 8-26
creating NPC links through autodiscove ry 2-10
setting up links with L2 Access nodes in
FlexUNI/EVC service requests 4-20
viewing in service requests 11-8
local core connectivity
in FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet service requests 6-6
in FlexUNI/EVC service requests 4-7
loopback addresses
setting on N-PE devices 2-2
setting up for an N-PE 1-3
FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet servic e requests 6-1
FlexUNI/EVC Ethernet service requests 4-1
L2VPN service requests 8-1
VPLS service requests 10-1
mapping MEF terminologies to network
technologies E-3
terminology conventions E-1
Metro Ethernet Forum (see MEF) E-1
FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet service requests 6-23
FlexUNI/EVC service requests 4-21
L2VPN service requests 8-20
pseudowire classes for IOS XR devices 2-10
pseudowire class objects 2-12
VPLS service requests 10-10
service requests 11-1, 11-10
ERS (EVP-LAN) for an Ethernet-based provider
core E-13
ERS (EVP-LAN) for an MPLS-based provider
core E-11
EWS (EP-LAN) for an Ethernet-based pr ovider
core E-13
EWS (EP-LAN) for an MPLS-based provider
core E-11
NNamed Physical Circuits (see NPCs) 2-8
negate templates, using to decommission template
configurations B-13
creating 2-8
creating NPC links through autodiscovery 2-10
creating ring-only NPCs 2-9
creating through an NPC GUI editor 2-8
setting up 1-3
assigning roles for 2-1
setting loopback address on 2-2
setting up a loopback address for 1-3
setting up links to N-PEs in FlexUNI/EVC
ATM-Ethernet service requests 6-8
terminating an access ring on two N-PEs D-1, D-3