Cisco IP Solution Center L2VPN an d Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6. 0
service requests 11-1, 11-2
deploying service requests 11-1
configuring device settings 2-2
creating and modifying pseudowire classes for IOS
XR devices 2-10
device roles with FlexUNI/EVC 3-5
setting loopback addresses on N-PE devices 2-2
setting up 1-2
setting up for IOS XR support 2-3
setting up target devices 2-1
direct connect links
setting in FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet service
requests 6-8
setting up in FlexUNI/EVC service requests 4-10
documentation, obtaining iii-xiv
enabling template association in FlexUNI/EVC
ATM-Ethernet policies 5-19
multipoint ERS (EVP-LAN) for an Et hernet-based
provider core E-13
multipoint ERS (EVP-LAN) for an MP LS-based
provider core E-11
ERS (EVPL) service requests
with CE, creating 8-2
without CE, creating 8-11
Ethernet ERS (EVPL) policies
with CE, defining 7-3
without CE, defining 7-9
Ethernet EWS (EPL) policies
with CE, defining 7-15
Ethernet EWS (EPL) policy
without CE, defining 7-22
Ethernet relay service (ERS or EVPL) E-5
Ethernet wire service (EWS or EPL) E-5
multipoint EWS (EP-LAN) for an Ethernet-based
provider core E-13
multipoint EWS (EP-LAN) for an MPLS-based
provider core E-11
EWS (EPL) service requests
with CE, creating 8-8
without CE, creating 8-16
device roles with FlexUNI/EVC 3-5
features of 3-2
IOS platform support 3-3
IOS XR platform support 3-4
overview of support in ISC 3-1
platform support for FlexUNI/EVC in ISC 6.0 3-3
topology overview for FlexUNI/EVC 3-5
FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethern et policies
creating 5-1
defining 5-2
enabling template association in 5-19
overview 5-1
setting ATM interface attributes in 5-6
setting FlexUNI attributes in 5-7
setting interface attributes in 5-12
setting service attributes in 5-8
setting service options in 5-4
setting VLAN matching criteria attributes in 5-10
setting VLAN rewrite criteria attributes in 5-10
FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet service requests
creating 6-2
local core connectivity in 6-6
managing 6-1
modifying 6-23
overview 6-1
pseudowire core connectivity 6-3
saving 6-24
setting ATM link attributes 6-18