Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
DHCP-based autoconfiguration (continued)
overview 3-3
relationship to BOOTP 3-4
relay support 1-6, 1-14
support for 1-6
DHCP-based autoconfiguration and image update
configuring 3-11 to 3-14
understanding 3-5 to 3-6
DHCP binding database
See DHCP snooping binding database
DHCP binding table
See DHCP snooping binding database
DHCP object tracking, configuring primary
interface 46-11
DHCP option 82
circuit ID suboption 24-5
configuration guidelines 24-9
default configuration 24-8
displaying 24-16
forwarding address, specifying 24-11
helper address 24-11
overview 24-3
packet format, suboption
circuit ID 24-5
remote ID 24-5
remote ID suboption 24-5
DHCP server port-based address allocation
configuration guidelines 24-26
default configuration 24-26
described 24-26
displaying 24-29, 25-12
enabling 24-27
reserved addresses 24-27
DHCP snooping
accepting untrusted packets form edge switch 24-3,
and private VLANs 24-14
binding database
See DHCP snooping binding database
DHCP snooping (continued)
configuration guidelines 24-9
default configuration 24-8
displaying binding tables 24-16
message exchange process 24-4
option 82 data insertion 24-3
trusted interface 24-2
untrusted interface 24-2
untrusted messages 24-2
DHCP snooping binding database
adding bindings 24-15
binding entries, displaying 24-16
binding file
format 24-7
location 24-6
bindings 24-6
clearing agent statistics 24-15
configuration guidelines 24-10
configuring 24-15
default configuration 24-8, 24-9
binding file 24-15
bindings 24-15
database agent 24-15
described 24-6
displaying 24-16
binding entries 24-16
status and statistics 24-16
displaying status and statistics 24-16
enabling 24-15
entry 24-6
renewing database 24-15
delay value 24-15
timeout value 24-15
DHCP snooping binding table
See DHCP snooping binding database