Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 5 Managing Switch Stacks Accessing the CLI of a Specific Stack Member
Accessing the CLI of a Specific Stack Member
Note This task is only for debugging purposes, and is only available from the master.
You can access all or specific members by using the remote command {all | stack-member-number}
privileged EXEC command. The stack member number range is 1 to 9.
You can access specific members by using the session stack-member-number privileged EXEC
command. The member number is appended to the system prompt. For example, the prompt for
member 2 is Switch-2#, and system prompt for the master is Switch#. Enter exit to return to the CLI
session on the master. Only the show and debug commands are available on a specific member.
Displaying Switch Stack Information
To display saved configuration changes after resetting a specific member or the stack, use these
privileged EXEC commands:
Troubleshooting Stacks
Manually Disabling a Stack Port, page 5-26
Re-Enabling a Stack Port While Another Member Starts, page 5-26
Understanding the show switch stack-ports summary Output, page 5-27
Identifying Loopback Problems, page 5-28
Tab le 5-4 Commands for Displaying Stack Information
Command Description
show platform stack manager all Display all stack information, such as the stack protocol
show platform stack ports {buffer |
Display the stack port events and history.
show switch Display summary information about the stack, including the
status of provisioned switches and switches in
version-mismatch mode.
show switch stack-member-number Display information about a specific member.
show switch detail Display detailed information about the stack ring.
show switch neighbors Display the stack neighbors.
show switch stack-ports [summary]Display port information for the stack. Use the summary
keyword to display the stack cable length, the stack link status,
and the loopback status.
show switch stack-ring activity
Display the number of frames per member that are sent to the
stack ring. The detail keyword displays the number of frames
per member that are sent to the stack ring, the receive queues,
and the ASIC.