6.2.2 Specification o f interface
(1) Serial interface
Method Asynchronous serial interface
Connect or DSUB 25-pin
Protocol control XON/XOFF and CTS/DTR
Receive buffer
size 32K bytes
Receiving data stops when the remaining buffer reaches 2K
bytes and resumes when the remaining buffer r eaches 4K bytes
Baud rate 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 bps
Bit length 7- or 8-bit
Stop bit Fixed
When printer receives data, stop bit is fixed at 1, and when
printer transmits data, stop bit is fixed at 2. But computer can
transmit and receive data, regardless of stop bit at 1 or 2
Parity No
(2) Parallel interface
Method 8-bit parallel
Connect or 36- pin unphenol type
Synchro nous
system Strobe pulse
Handshaking ACKNLG and BUSY signals
Signal level TTL