cautionary note on Fkey use
version info
Note that all Classé remote controls provide these same four Fkeys, so that you need not worry about which remote you happen to pick up. Thus F1 on the surround processor’s remote control sends the same infrared signal as F1 on the CD player’s remote control.
While this is intended to minimize confusion amongst different remotes (since this aspect of them will all perform identically), you should take care when assigning different functions on different components to the same Fkey. Doing so would result in two components doing two different things at once, in response to a single press of a button on the remote control. This can sometimes be useful. As an example, F1 could set the surround processor to the CD input, and also set the CD player to Play, both from the press of a single Fkey.
The status screen provides several items of information about the current operation status of the
The version info button on the status screen takes you to the version information screen, which displays information on various pieces of software used by your
The sensors button on the status screen takes you to the sensors screen, which displays information about several internal sensors within the