Cobra Electronics AN - 8630 - 25 manual Using the Mailbox Feature

Models: AN - 8630 - 25

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Your new Cobra Intenna Cordless Telephone Answering System comes equipped with Voice Mailboxes (similar to those found in many businesses) that let callers select and direct their message to the entire household or just one of the 4 individual ”Mailboxes”.This feature

After the caller pressesthen a number (1, 2, 3 or 4) they will be connected to the Mailbox indicated and will hear the Mailbox number, then the individual Outgoing Message if one has been recorded. It is not necessary to use all 4 available Mailboxes. However, they are always accessible and may be used at any time.

To Record An Outgoing Message

For An Individual Mailbox From

A Remote Location

1.Call your number from any touch-tone telephone.

2.Enter your Remote Security Code during the Outgoing Message.

3. Enter the then the number of the

is especially useful in households where teenagers are present, where one or more family members receives numerous calls or for


To Record Individual Mailbox

Outgoing Messages

1. Press the personal Mailbox button

Mailbox (1, 2, 3 or 4) you wish to access.

4. Press 4 to record OGM. Press 6 when

finished. To access another Mailbox, press








families with home-based businesses. A great idea for roommates, too! The advantages, of course, are that callers can leave private messages for specific individuals and other members of the household won’t have to listen to, speed through or accidentally erase messages that aren’t for them.

To Program Your Cobra

1System As A Mailbox

1. Each individual or business is assigned a


BUTTONS Mailbox number, either 1,2, 3 or 4.

2.Change your announcement to one that will instruct callers on how to access a specific Mailbox. All messages will be recorded in the General Mailbox, if not directed by the caller to another Mailbox.

3.To record your Outgoing Message, please see directions on page 9. An example of a general Mailbox Message might be:

“Thank you for calling the Smith house. Sorry we can’t take your call right now, but if you would like to leave a message for (Home Business Name) please press (Star) then 1; To leave a message for Susan, press then 2; To leave a message for Mr. Smith, pressthen 3; To leave a message for Mrs. Smith, pressthen 4. To leave a message to the entire family, wait for the beep; you will have 2 minutes to speak”.


BUTTONS (1, 2, 3 or 4.)

2. Press “OGM” (Outgoing Message)

2button. VOICE HELP will direct you to


record a personal message after the


beep and then play it back for you.



3. Mailbox number will be announced



even if no individual OGM is recorded.

To Access General Mailbox


General messages may be accessed by anyone, either from the base or the remote handset, simply by pressing the PLAY button on the base or REMOTE button on the handset, just as you would if the Mailbox feature were not being used.


To Access Individual Mailbox


Messages From Base


1. Individual messages will not be


reflected in the LED window, but a


flashing red light under each Mailbox


button indicates that there are one or


more messages in that Mailbox.


2. To access your Mailbox messages,


press and release your MAILBOX

button (1,2, 3 or 4) on the base, then



press PLAY. The LED display, along with



VOICE HELP will indicate the number of


messages stored in that Mailbox and


play them. Follow instructions 2-7, p.17


under “To Access Your Incoming



then Mailbox number; to re-access general

Mailbox, press then 0.

To Access Mailbox Messages From A Remote Location

1.Call your number from any touch-tone phone.

2.Enter your Remote Security Code during the Outgoing Message.

3. Enterthen the number of the Mailbox (1,2, 3 or 4) you wish to access. Follow instruction 3–9, p.19 under “To Access Your Incoming Messages From A Remote Location.”

4.To access the general Mailbox, do nothing. To re-access it from a personal Mailbox press then 0.

To Record An Outgoing

3Message For An Individual

Mailbox From Handset




1. Press REMOTE button.



2. Enterthen the number of the


Mailbox (1, 2, 3 or 4) you wish to access.


3. Press 4 to record OGM. Press 6 when


finished. To access another Mailbox,


pressthen Mailbox number; to re-


access general Mailbox, press 0.


To Access Mailbox Messages

From Handset


1. Press REMOTE button.



2. Enter then the number of the


Mailbox (1, 2,3 or 4) you wish to access.


Follow instructions 3–9, p. 19 under “To


Access Your Messages From A Remote




3. To access the general Mailbox, do


nothing. To re-access it from a personal


Mailbox, Press then 0.



NEED HELP? 1-773-889-3087

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Cobra Electronics AN - 8630 - 25 manual Using the Mailbox Feature