1. At step 2 on the previous page, rotate the Scroll knob to <Auto update>, and press to confirm.
2. Rotate the Scroll knob to <Update from NET>, and press to confirm.
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) ---------- for your clock settings
1.At above step 2 on the previous page, rotate the Scroll knob to <Set Time Zone>, and press to confirm.
2.To obtain Your Local Timezone = GMT ± _?_ hour. Please visit website: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com
Take the
A.If you are in the UK now, click proceed to the above website.
B.Once at the above website, Click ‘UK’ from the left column.
Time synchronized to the NTP network and should be accurate to
within 1 second.
The clock will automatically
3.Rotate the Scroll knob clockwise or
4. After adjusting to the correct time, press the Scroll knob to confirm.