Page 16 Coby Electronics Corpor ation Page 17
Enter Photo mode to display your JPE G photo les.
To enter Photo mode, select and conrm PHOTO in the Main menu.
Browsing Your Photo Library
Upon entering Photo mode, you will see a preview list of all J PEG
photos on your player.
Press the LEFT/RIGH T/UP/DOWN keys to highlight a photo
and press to display.
While a photo is displayed:
Press DOWN to display the next photo in the list
Press UP to display the previous photo in the list
Press LEFT to return to the photo list.
Smart Menu Options
The Smart Men u gives you quick access to your p layer’s option set tings. To access the Smart
Menu in Photo Mode, press “Opt”.
The Smart Menu options are Playback, Brow sing, Set Wallpaper, SlideShow and Show Time.
Highlight and select this option to back to the M usic Playing mode.
This option allows you to browse your photo librar y while a picture is being display.
Set Wallpaper
This option allows you to set the cur rent picture as a Wallpaper when the player is in Music Play-
ing mode.
Highlight and select Set Wallpaper in the smar t Menu.
Press to conrm.
Set “SlideShow” function On will aut omatically display all your photos in sequen ce.
Highlight and select SlideShow in the smar t Menu.
Press RIGHT to change the SlideShow sett ing (On or Off).
Show Time
This option allows you to set the time interval bet ween slides.
Highlight and select Show Time in the smar t Menu.
Press RIGHT to chang the Show Time setting (1s - 10s).