Page 28 Coby Electronics Corpor ation Page 29
If you need further assistance with transferring les, please refer to your operating system’s in-
struction manual or on-screen help. If you are using media management software such as iTunes,
Winamp, or Windows Media Player, please refer to their documentation for support.
Do not disconnect or otherwise interrupt the player during transmission - this could
damage or corrupt the player’s rmware or your les. If the player is accidentally
disconnected and is not working properly, reset your player (see the Powering Your
Player section for details).
Microsoft Windows
Double-click the “My Compu ter” icon on your desktop and then do uble-click the MPC98 3
icon (MTP Multimedia Player).
Your player contains two folders: Data and Media.
Drag your media les to the Media folder (e.g., MP3, WM A les).
Drga all other types of les to the Data folde r for storage. Data les are only visible
from a computer; these les will not be availab le from within the player itself.
Macintosh OS X
Open a nder window. Located the les you would like to tran sfer from your computer.
Select the les/folders with the m ouse and press APPLE-C(copy) on the keyboard.
Click on the Removable Disk icon located on th e left side of the nder window. The com-
puter will display all les and folders current ly stored in the player.
Press APPLE-V(paste) on the keyboard to transfer the les you sel ected in Step 1 to the