Page 40 Coby Electronics Corpor ation
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The player will not play my video le.
Ensure that the video le will play on your co mputer using Windows Me dia Player 10. If the
le works on the computer, use the same computer to c onvert the video.
I cannot transfer les to the pl ayer.
Ensure that your computer is running a suppor ted operating system.
If you are running Microsof t Windows 98 SE, ensure that the USB dri ver has been properly
Ensure that the supplied USB cable is securely attached to the player and the PC, or try using
another USB cable.
If you have c onnected the player through a USB hub, try connect ing the player directly to
your computer.
Ensure that the player’s memory capacity i s not full.
Ensure that there are less than 2500 items load ed on the player.
I transferred les to my playe r but they are missing from the Mus ic Library
Ensure that the le in a supported format (M P3, AVI, JPG, WAV, WMA).
Ensure that there are less than 2500 items load ed on the player.
If the player is in MTP mode, ensure tha t there are les s than 2500 i tems loaded on t he
I cannot see some les on my computer.
Ensure that the correct USB mode is in use (MSC or MTP). Files transferred in one mode will
not be seen when connected in another mode.
The player has malfunctioned.
Reboot the player (slide and hold the Power/Lock switch to th e right for several seconds).
Try updating the player’s rmware. Please refer to the Firmwar e Update section of this man-
ual for detailed instructions.