Page 18 Coby Electronics Corpor ation Page 19
Enter FM Radio Mode to listen the FM Radio broadcast s.
You must have a pair of headphones connected to the headphone jack to receive
FM broadcasts; your player will utilize the headphone cord as an antenna.
To enter FM Radio Mode, select and conrm FM Radio from the Main Menu.
Basic FM Radio Operation
Upon entering FM R adio mode, you c an tune into st ations manually(Normal) or by using preset
Press to toggle between Normal and Preset t uning modes.
Normal: Listen to Manually-Tuned Channels.
Press RIGHT to tune to higher frequencies; press LEFT to tune to lower frequencies.
Preset: Listen to Preset Channels.
Press RIGHT to tune to highter Preset channels or LEFT to tune to lower Preset
To auto-seek the next availabel broadcase statio n, press and hold LEFT or RIGHT.
Press and hold to automatically detect and save as a preset station any fre quecny with
a signal. This will overwrite any previously saved p reset stations.
Smart Menu Option
The Smart Men u gives you quick access to your p layer’s option set tings. To access the Smart
Menu in Recording Stop Mode, press “Opt ”.
The Smart Menu options are Add Preset /Del Preset, Start Record, Track, Sens e and Area.
Add Preset/Del Preset
When the player is in Normal Tuning mode, this section will display “Add Preset”, highlight and
conrm Add Preset to manually save the current st ation as a preset.
When the player is in Preset Tuning mode, this section will display “Del Preset”, highlight and
conrm Del PReset to delete the current pres et station.
Start Record
This section allows you to make recordings of FM Rad io broadcasts.
Tune to the FM broadcast station you would like to record.
Press Opt.
Highlight and press RIGHT or to start FM Re cording.
During recording:
To pause recording, press ; press again to resume recor ding.
To stop and save the recording, press MENU. The recorded  le will be named “FM-
RCXXX.WAV” where XXX cor responds to the numberical sequenc e in which the
recording was made (numbering starts fr om 00001).