Page 28 Coby Electronics Corpor ation
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Connect the MPC983 to a computer wit h the USB 2.0 cable provided to:
Transfer les to and from your player
Perform basic le management functi ons.
USB Driver Installation (Re quired for Windows 98 SE Onl y)
It is not necessary to install the USB driver if your computer is running Microsoft Windows ME/2000/
XP or newer, or Macintosh OS X. Computers running these operating systems will recognize your
player automatically when connected.
If your computer is running Windows 98 SE:
Insert the Installation CD into your co mputer’s CD or DVD drive. Make sure to place t he
mini-CD in the center, recessed well of the dr ive tray.
Navigate to MY COMPUTER and double- click on the CD/DVD drive icon (usually “ D:”).
Double-click on the folder “ Win98 USB Drivers” and then on the fo lder “english”.
Double-click on the SETUP ic on (SETUP.EXE) to start the USB driver insta llation program.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation and then restart your computer.
Mini-CDs should only be used in normal tray-loa ding CD/DVD drives. Mini -CDs
may be used in slot-loadi ng drives w ith the pr oper adapter; please contact your
computer or drive manufacturer for more inf ormation.
Connecting to a Computer
Connect the player to your computer with the supplied USB cable. Upon connection:
Your c ompute r wi ll a utomat icall y re cogni ze t he p layer as an M TP D evice . An icon
representing your player will appear under “Audio Devic es” when you open “My Computer”.
It may take Windows several minutes t o recognize and set up the device the rst time it is
connected depending on your hardware con guration.
For more information and support r egarding music trans fer and synchronize w ith
Windows Media Player (WMP), please see the hel p section inc luding wiht WM P
(Click Help > Synchronizing Content to Devices).
Transferring Files
The USB 2.0 High-Speed connection makes it easy to transfer music, video, photo, and text les (or
any other data) quickly between the player and your computer. Simply use the player as you would
a oppy disk using basic operating system commands.
USB Port
USB Port