Alpha SRM Console Firmware
The Alpha SRM Console firmware initializes the system and enables you to install and boot the DIGITAL UNIX operating system. This firmware resides in the flash ROM on the AlphaPC 164SX motherboard.
7.1 Alpha SRM Console Firmware Conventions
The following conventions are used in this section:
Convention | Description |
>>> | Alpha SRM Console prompt. |
Backslash (\) at the end of a line | Continuation symbol to continue long commands |
| on the next line. |
_> | Continuation line prompt. |
Maximum command length | 255 characters. |
Multiple contiguous spaces or tabs | Treated as a single space. |
Command abbreviations | Allowed, if not ambiguous. |
Command qualifiers or options | Prefix with a space and a dash |
Numbers | Hexadecimal, unless otherwise specified. |
| (Registers, such as |
| decimal notation.) |
Alpha SRM Console Firmware