Firmware Update Instructions
•Copy the following files to diskette #2: rhsrmrom.sys
•Copy the following files to diskette #3 if you’ll be updating I/O option firmware:
Be sure to copy all of the aforementioned files for the diskette(s) you need. Once created your diskettes can then be used to update firmware by invoking the update utility via the LFU command.
2.2.4Updating Using an ODS2-Formatted Floppy Diskette
For V5.4 or above, the console images no longer fit on one 1.44 MB floppy diskette. Depending upon what you wish to update, you’ll need either one, two or three 1.44MB floppy diskettes. If you wish to update I/O option firmware only, you’ll need only a single diskette. If you wish to update console firmware only, you’ll need two diskettes. If you wish to update both console and I/O firmware, you’ll need three separate diskettes.
If you will be using an
If creating a diskette for updating your console only:
$! make_rhods2cp_1and2.com $!
$ inquire ignore "Insert first blank HD floppy in DVA0, then continue" $ set verify
$ set proc/priv=all
$ init /density=hd/index=begin dva0: rhods2cp1
$ mount dva0: rhods2cp1
$ create /directory dva0:[as4x00]
$ copy as4x00fw.sys dva0:[as4x00]as4x00fw.sys $ copy as4x00cp.sys dva0:[as4x00]as4x00cp.sys $ copy rhreadme.sys dva0:[as4x00]rhreadme.sys $ copy rharcrom.sys dva0:[as4x00]rharcrom.sys $ dismount dva0:
$ set noverify
$ inquire ignore "Insert second blank HD floppy in DVA0, then continue" $ set verify
$ set proc/priv=all
$ init /density=hd/index=begin dva0: rhods2cp2
$ mount dva0: rhods2cp2
$ copy rhsrmrom.sys dva0:[as4x00]rhsrmrom.sys $ dismount dva0:
$ set noverify $ exit