A.2 Restore NVRAM data to EEROM/TOY from a floppy file.
Restore the system NVRAM data to 8KB EEROM and/or last 50 TOY RAM bytes from a floppy containing the NVRAM save file(s). By default, if no script argument is specified, all NVRAM is restored from file
restore_nvram {all,arc,srm,toy}
Specifies the group of NVRAM data to be restored. One of the following:
•all : All of the 8KB EEROM and 50 bytes of TOY RAM are restored from file allnvram.sav. This is the default, if no argument is specified.
•arc : ARC (AlphaBIOS) data in first 6KB of the 8KB EEROM is restored from file arcnvram.sav.
•srm : SRM console data in last 2KB of the 8KB EEROM is restored from file srmnvram.sav.
•toy : TOY data in last 50 bytes of 64 bytes in TOY RAM is restored from file toynvram.sav.
To restore a previously saved ARC NVRAM image:
>>>restore_nvram arc
Restore arc NVRAM data from the file fat:arcnvram.sav/dva0.0.0.1000.0. Please insert the floppy containing this file...
...and enter "y" and press Return to continue. y
Looking for file fat:arcnvram.sav/dva0.0.0.1000.0...
...Found it.
Restoring system NVRAM data...