Understanding Your Service and Support Options 12-3
Testing Equipment
You may conduct a Quick, Complete, or Custom test. If you choose the Quick test,
it can be run in either the Interactive or Unattended mode.
Complete or Custom tests are completed only in the interactive mode, since they
test the audio and video components of your Internet PC. You must be present to
confirm the test results. Complete testing takes about 10 minutes.
The Test tab has the following main regions: Type of Test, Test Mode, an
Information Window, and a Component List (under the Type of Test box). The
Component List resembles Windows Explorer: Click the + to open a component
folder, then click the component to get information about it. The information
window may show further tests that can be performed on certain components. You
can request any or all of these subtests.
To run a test, complete the following steps:
1. Click the Test tab.
2. Choose the type of test: Quick, Complete, or Custom. In Custom, you will
need to check the boxes in the Component List for each test you want.
3. Select Interactive Mode or Unattended Mode.
*HINT: You can select Quick or Complete as a starting point for a Custom test. If you
select Interactive Mode, stay with your computer for the interactive test portions.
4. Click the Begin Test button at the bottom of the window. The Status tab will
automatically replace the Test tab on your window. You can follow the
progress of individual tests on this window.
When the tests are complete, the progress bar in the Status window will be green if
the test was successful and red if the test failed. The lower part of this tab gives
details of the tests that have been completed.
The Log tab lists all the tests and also gives information about the number of times
each test was run, the time taken for the test, and the number of errors detected.
You can save this information by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the
The Error tab provides details about the errors detected, including error codes. This
code is useful information for a Compaq technician, who can advise you on how to
fix your computer.