Identifying and Removing Computer Viruses 7-5

Keeping Your Anti-Virus Software Current

By registering with McAfee Anti-Virus, you can receive free anti-virus software
updates for one year. Once you have registered, you will be able to simply
download the updates at any time. To register and begin downloading updates,
complete the following steps:
1. From the Windows desktop, double-click the Compaq Support $ icon.
21. Double-click the McAfee VirusScan รถ icon. The McAfee VirusScan
Launcher will display.
+NOTE: The McAfee VirusScan Launcher shows how many days have elapsed since
the last update.
22. Click the Update button. The Welcome to McAfee VirusScan! window is
displayed. Read the information on the screen.
23. Click the Update button. The Welcome to McAfee SecureCast Online!
window will display. Select Yes if you have access to the Internet, or select No
if you do not have an Internet connection.
24. Click Next. The User Registration Information window is displayed.
25. Enter your information in the User Identification and Additional Information
26. Click the Next button. The Online Activity Status window displays the status
of the download.
Once the download is complete, your anti-virus software will be prepared to detect
the latest viruses. It is recommended that you download updates at least once a