2-4 Understanding Your Service and Support Options
System Record
System Record reports all of the devices that came with your computer and all of
the devices you have added or changed since you purchased your computer.
System Record highlights these changes in red. This allows you to isolate and
diagnose possible problems with your computer.
To access System Record, complete the following steps:
1. From the Windows desktop, double-click the Compaq Support $ icon.
2. Double-click the System Record ยข icon.
The System Record tab displays the Base.log, all of the devices that came with
your computer, and the Now.log, which displays all of the devices you have added
or changed. The changes you have made to your computer are highlighted in red.
For example, if your computer came with 64 megabytes (MB) of memory and you
upgrade it to 96 MB of memory, your Base.log displays 64 MB of memory and the
Now.log displays 96 MB. The memory line in the Base.log and the memory line in
the Now.log are noted in red lettering, which indicates a change has been made to
your computer's original amount of memory.