that it can size. Solution Sizer is also linked to ServerMaker, which provides detailed, validated server configuration data, including parts lists and
ServerMaker is an easy to use,
At the end of your ServerMaker session, you can generate a parts list. Price files are not included in ServerMaker. However, you can obtain a copy of the DIGITAL Server price file (in Excel format) from the DIGITAL Business Link, or your authorized Compaq representative to load into ServerMaker for quoting purposes.
You can download both Solution Sizer and ServerMaker at:
ServerWorks Manager
ServerWORKS Manager enables system administrators to monitor cluster resources and generate alarms in the event of a failover. See the Using ServerWORKS Manager with Clusters section for instructions on how to use ServerWORKS Manager to perform these operations.
The ClusterWORKS program includes a variety of tools to assist customers in configuring their cluster. The Cluster Checkout Utility verifies the hardware installation, by identifying problems and recommending solutions.
For those customers that choose to migrate from DCNT to MSCS, there is a Migration Wizard. With an
Cluster Quick Start
Whether you are using MSCS or DCNT to create a
You can download the Cluster Quick Start from our internal web site at akin40.mro.dec.com. It will also be included in future Cluster Kits.
Enterprise Cluster Software
Visual Batch enables system administrators to quickly build batch jobs on clusters using a graphical user interface.
Enterprise Cluster Software for Windows NT will bring OpenVMS cluster technology to complement MSCS by providing:
DIGITAL Server Cluster Kits for Windows NT Configuration Guide