Troubleshooting and Maintenance
Troubleshooting Your Computer
Troubleshooting Your Computer
This section contains solutions to a few basic problems you might have with your computer. Try the solutions one at a time, in the order in which they are presented.
Here are some other sources of information for troubleshooting:
•See the troubleshooting chapter in the Reference Guide on the Documentation Library CD included with your computer for a more complete list of troubleshooting suggestions.
•Click Start, Help and Support, Fixing a Problem, and use the Windows troubleshooters.
•See the Microsoft Windows manual shipped with the computer.
•Find technical tips, troubleshooting guides, and software updates for the computer at the Compaq Consumer Support Web site (www.compaq.com/consumersupport).
•Test your computer by running the
•Contact your dealer or see “To get support or service” on page 50. Please have your computer with you when you call.
Display Problems
If the computer is on, but the screen is blank
•Move the mouse or tap the touch pad. This will wake the display if it is in
•Press Fn+F5 in case the internal display was disabled. (Do this three times to return to the state you started from.)
•If the computer is cold, allow it to warm up.
If the screen is difficult to read
•Try setting the display resolution to its default setting of 1024×768 or higher, depending on your model: click Start, Control Panel, Appearance and Themes, Display.