Country Home Products SUBURBANTM Loading, Dumping, DR POWERWAGON Safety & Operating Instructions


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!WARNING: The recommended load limit for the DR® POWERWAGONis 400 lbs on level ground and 300 pounds on slopes. Placing more weight in the body may be dangerous, and can permanently damage the machine.

Please follow these important guidelines when loading your DR® POWERWAGON: Always distribute the load evenly so that your DR®

POWERWAGONwill be as stable as possible (Figure 12). Do not pile heavy loads, such as rocks or gravel, to a height that will make the DR® POWERWAGONtop-heavy and susceptible to tipping over.

Keep the load balanced, and don't pile material too high in the front or back corners of the molded body. Instead, take the time to divide your load and make several lighter trips.

On a slope, a heavy load will tend to shift to the downhill side of

the body. Again, it is safer to make several smaller, lighter trips.

Reminder: The gas fill is located below the dump body. Plan your work accordingly, so you won't run out of gas with a full load.


To dump, stand at the rear of the machine and unlatch the dump

Figure 12

body from the bracket (Figure 13). Pull up on the


dump handle or the back of the body to tip it forward


(Figure 14). After unloading, push the dump body


back down into place by hand. Be sure the latch fits


securely into the bracket on the dump body.


Note: You must lift the latch handle and position it


in the bracket. Simply pushing the dump body back


into place will not make it latch.


For safety reasons, the DR® POWERWAGON


body is designed to not dump automatically once the


dump latch is released. You must lift the dump


handle or the back of the body to cause it to tilt



Figure 13

DR® POWERWAGONSafety & Operating Instructions


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Country Home Products SUBURBANTM owner manual Loading, Dumping, DR POWERWAGON Safety & Operating Instructions