Husillo de plataforma

Los accesoriosde engrasese puedenencontraren cadahusillode la plataforma.Veala Figura26. Lubriquecon grasa 251HEPo con unagrasa de litio multiusoNo2 equivalente.Con una pistolade engrasar,haga dos aplicaciones(mfnimo)o suficientegrasa al eje de husillo.

Determinela distanciaaproximadanecesariapara un ajusteadecuadoy,de set necesario, }roceda.

1.Paraelevarla partedelanterade la plataforma,ajuste(enrosquehacia adentro) lacontratuercacontrala mensulade suspensi6ndelanteraVea la Figura27.

2.Parabajar la partedelanterade la plataforma,afloje(enrosquehacia afuera)la contratuerca,alej&ndolade la mensulade suspensi6n delantera.Veala Figura27.




Apagueel motor,retirela Navede encendidoy coloque elfreno de mano antesde realizarajustes.Protejasus manos utilizandoguantesreforzados cuandomanipulelascuchillas.

NOTA: Controlelapresi6nde neum_ticosdel tractorantesde realizar cualquiernivelaci6nde la plataforma.Consultela secci6nNeum_ticosen la pagina84 para obtenerinformaci6nsobre la presi6nde los neum_ticos.

Nivelaci6n de la plataforma (adelante arras).

Elfrente de la plataformade corteest_ sostenidopor unabarra estabilizadora quese puedeajustar para nivelarla plataformadesde la partedelanterahacia la partetrasera. La partedelanterade la plataformadebe estarentre 14y 3/8 de pulgadasm&sabajoque la partetrasera. Deset necesario,realice un ajustede la siguientemanera:

1.Estacioneeltractor sobre unasuperficiefirme niveladay coloque la palancade elevaci6nde la plataformaen la posici6nmedia.

2.Rote lacuchilla m&scercanaa la cubiertadel canalde descargapara quequedeparalelaal tractor.

3.Midala distanciadesde la partedelanterade la punta de lacuchilla hastael piso, y desdela parte posteriorde la punta de la cuchillahasta el piso. La primeramedici6ntomadadebe set entre1/4y 3/8 de pulgada menosque la segundamedici6n.


Nivelaci6n de la plataforma (lado a lado)

Si la plataformade corteestuvierarealizandoel cortede cespedde forma despareja,puederealizarseun ajusteladoa lado.Deset necesario,realice un ajustede la siguientemanera:

1.Con el tractorestacionadosobre unasuperficiefirme y nivelada, coloque la palancade elevaci6nde laplataformaen la posici6nmediay rote ambas cuchillaspara quequeden perpendicularesaltractor.

2.Mida la distanciadesde la parteexternade la puntade lacuchilla izquierdahastael piso, y desde la parteexternade la puntade la cuchilla derechahastael piso. Las dos medicionesobtenidasdebenset iguales.Si no Io son,realiceel siguiente paso.


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Craftsman 247.28980 manual Ajustes, Husillo de plataforma, Nivelaci6n de la plataforma adelante arras

247.28980 specifications

The Craftsman 247.28980 is a robust and highly versatile lawn tractor designed for homeowners seeking an efficient solution for maintaining their lawns. This particular model is equipped with a powerful 19.5 horsepower engine, providing ample power to tackle various yard tasks. The engine is a reliable single-cylinder design, carefully engineered to ensure both durability and efficient performance.

One of the standout features of the Craftsman 247.28980 is its hydrostatic transmission. This type of transmission allows for smooth speed control without the need for shifting gears, making it easy to navigate various terrains and obstacles in your yard. Whether you're mowing flat areas or dealing with slopes, the hydrostatic transmission provides the flexibility and control needed for a quality mowing experience.

The lawn tractor boasts a generous 42-inch cutting deck, which enables quick and efficient mowing of larger areas. The cutting height can be easily adjusted to suit different grass lengths, allowing users to customize their mowing experience based on seasonal needs and personal preferences. With a cutting width that accommodates a variety of yard sizes, the Craftsman 247.28980 reduces the time spent mowing while ensuring a clean, professional-looking cut.

Another notable technology integrated into the Craftsman 247.28980 is its side-discharge capability. This allows for quick grass clippings expulsion, which can be beneficial for maintaining the yard’s overall aesthetics and health. Additionally, the tractor is compatible with mulching and bagging attachments, providing users with the option to easily collect clippings or mulch them back into the lawn for added nutrients.

Comfort is also a priority with the Craftsman 247.28980. It features an ergonomic seat that provides support during extended mowing sessions, ensuring that users remain comfortable while tackling their lawn care tasks. The simple instrument panel allows for easy monitoring of the tractor’s performance and functions, making it user-friendly for both seasoned lawn enthusiasts and novices.

In conclusion, the Craftsman 247.28980 is a feature-rich lawn tractor that combines power, versatility, and comfort. With its strong engine, hydrostatic transmission, and adaptable cutting deck, it is designed to meet the needs of homeowners looking for an efficient way to maintain their lawns. Consequently, it stands out as an excellent choice for those in search of a reliable and effective lawn care solution.