Noabandoneelasiento del tractorsin colocarprimerola perillade PTO/ enganchede cuchillaen la posici6nOFF (apagado)y sin colocarel freno de mano.Sideja eltractor sinvigilancia,apagueel motory retirela Ilavede encendido.



La posici6nMODODE PRECAUClONENMARCHAATRASdel m6dulode la Ilavede contactopermiteoperareltractor en marchaarrascon las cuchillas (PTO)enganchadas.

NOTA: Nose recomiendacortarel cesped en marchaarras.

Tenga muchocuidadocuandoopereel tractoren MODODE PRECAUClON ENMARCHAATRAS.Miresiemprehaciaabajoy haciaatr&santesy mientrasopera marchaatr&s.Noopereel tractorcuandohayaniSosu otras

personasen el lugar.Detengael tractor inmediatamentesi alguieningresa en la zona.


NOTA: El operadorDEBEestar sentadoen el asientodel tractor.

1.Arranqueel motorsegQnlas instruccionesde lapagina anterior.

2.Girela Ilavedesde la posici6nde PODANORMAL(verde)hasta la posici6nde MODODE PRECAUCIONENMARCHAATRAS(amarillo)

del m6dulodel interruptorde Ilave.Veala Figura8.

ElMODODE PRECAUClONENMARCHAATRASpermaneceactivadohasta que:

a.Se coloca la Ilaveen la posici6nCORTE NORMALo en la posici6n STOP (parar)o

b.Eloperadorabandonael asiento.


Consultela secci6nGUIAPARAPENDIENTESen la pagina68 para determinaren que pendientespuedeoperarel tractorde manerasegura.

No corte en pendientescon una inclinaci6nde m&sde 15grados (elevaci6n

aproximadade 2Y2pies pot cada10 pies). Eltractor podriavoltearsey causar lesionesseveras.

En laspendientescorte haciaarribay haciaabajo,NUNCAen formatransversal.

®Tengamucho cuidadoal cambiarde direcci6nen unapendiente.

®Esteatentoa los hoyos,surcos, baches,rocas u otros objetosocultos.

Elterreno desniveladopuedevoltear la m_quina.Elcesped alto puede ocultar obst_culos.

Eviterealizargiros cuandoopereen una pendiente.Si debe realizar un giro,h_galo debajode la pendiente.Subiruna pendienteaumenta enormementelasposibilidadesde que elvehiculode unavuelta

de campana.

Evitedetenersecuandosubauna pendiente.Sifuese necesariodeten- erse mientrassubeuna pendiente,arranque suavey cuidadosamente para reducirlaposibilidadde que eltractor de unavolteretahaciaarras.


marcha arras


Bot6n de


Posici6n de modo

Posici6n de

de precauci6n en


marcha atr_s



Posici6n de





3.Presioneel BOTONDEMARCHAATRAS(bot6ntriangularde color naranja)en la esquinasuperiorderechadel m6dulodel interruptorde Ilave.La luzindicadorarojaen la esquinasuperiorizquierdadel m6dulo del interruptorde Ilavese mantieneencendida(ON) mientraseste activado.Veala Figura8.

4.Unavez activado(con la luzindicadoraencendida),eltractor podr& operaren marchaatr_s con lascuchillasde corte (PTO- potenciade arranque)enganchadas.

5.Siempremirehaciaabajo y haciaatr_s antesy mientrasoperaen marchaart&s,paraasegurarsede queno hayaniSosen el&tea. Una vez retomadala marchahaciaadelante,vuelvaa colocar la Ilaveen la posici6nCORTENORMAL.



NOTA: Elfrenode manoy el controlde crucerose controlancon la misma palanca.Siest_ usandoel frenocuandoenganchala palancadel freno de mano/controlde crucero,se activar&el frenode mano.Si est_ usandoel pedalde transmisi6ncuandoenganchalapalanca del frenode mano/control de crucero,se activar_el controlde crucero.

Freno de rnano

NOTA: Si el operadorabandonael asientoy deja el motorfuncionando, deber_ colocarel frenode mano,o el motorse apagar_de formaautom_tica.

Para colocarel frenode mano:

1.Presioneel pedaldel frenocompletamentehaciaabajocon el pie izquierdoy mantengaloen posici6n.

2.Empujela palancadel frenode mano/controlde crucerohaciaabajo y mantengalaen esa posici6n.

3.Retiresu pie del pedal defreno.

4.Afloje la presi6nde la palancadel freno de mano/controlde crucero.

Despuesde completarel paso3, el pedalde freno debepermaneceren posici6nabajo.Si no Io hace,elfreno de mano no est_ activado. Repitalos pasos1a 4 para engancharel frenode mano.

Paradesengancharelfreno de mano,presionelevementeel pedalde freno.

Nuncadejela m&quinaen funcionamientosin vigilancia.Siempre desconectela PTO(perilla de enganchede cuchilla,coloqueel frenode

mano,apagueel motory retirela Ilave,para evitarque alguienencienda accidentalmenteel motor.


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Craftsman 247.28980 manual Modo DE Precaucion EN, Marcha Atras, Operacion EN Pendientes, Colocacion DEL Freno DE Mano

247.28980 specifications

The Craftsman 247.28980 is a robust and highly versatile lawn tractor designed for homeowners seeking an efficient solution for maintaining their lawns. This particular model is equipped with a powerful 19.5 horsepower engine, providing ample power to tackle various yard tasks. The engine is a reliable single-cylinder design, carefully engineered to ensure both durability and efficient performance.

One of the standout features of the Craftsman 247.28980 is its hydrostatic transmission. This type of transmission allows for smooth speed control without the need for shifting gears, making it easy to navigate various terrains and obstacles in your yard. Whether you're mowing flat areas or dealing with slopes, the hydrostatic transmission provides the flexibility and control needed for a quality mowing experience.

The lawn tractor boasts a generous 42-inch cutting deck, which enables quick and efficient mowing of larger areas. The cutting height can be easily adjusted to suit different grass lengths, allowing users to customize their mowing experience based on seasonal needs and personal preferences. With a cutting width that accommodates a variety of yard sizes, the Craftsman 247.28980 reduces the time spent mowing while ensuring a clean, professional-looking cut.

Another notable technology integrated into the Craftsman 247.28980 is its side-discharge capability. This allows for quick grass clippings expulsion, which can be beneficial for maintaining the yard’s overall aesthetics and health. Additionally, the tractor is compatible with mulching and bagging attachments, providing users with the option to easily collect clippings or mulch them back into the lawn for added nutrients.

Comfort is also a priority with the Craftsman 247.28980. It features an ergonomic seat that provides support during extended mowing sessions, ensuring that users remain comfortable while tackling their lawn care tasks. The simple instrument panel allows for easy monitoring of the tractor’s performance and functions, making it user-friendly for both seasoned lawn enthusiasts and novices.

In conclusion, the Craftsman 247.28980 is a feature-rich lawn tractor that combines power, versatility, and comfort. With its strong engine, hydrostatic transmission, and adaptable cutting deck, it is designed to meet the needs of homeowners looking for an efficient way to maintain their lawns. Consequently, it stands out as an excellent choice for those in search of a reliable and effective lawn care solution.