Declaraci6n de garantia



Acuerdo de Protecci6n Para




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PrActicas operaci6n seguras










y Mantenimiento


PAginas 48-53

Almacenamiento fuera de temporada....

PAgina 54


de problemas


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de seguridad

PAgina 7

Lista de piezas

PAgina 24

NOmero de servicio

Cubierta posterior

Garantia completa de un a_o para la Cortadora Trituradora Craftsman

Esteequipoestacubiertoporunagaranfiade unaho,siemprequese mantenga,lubriquey ajustedeacuerdoconlas instruccionesdelpresente manualdeloperador.Duranteel ahode garanfia,si esteequiposufrecualquierfallaproducidapordefectosen materialeso manodeobra, DEVUELVALO SUCENTRODE PARTES& REPARACIONSEARSM_,SCERCANO,y SearsIorepararAsin ningOncargo.Elserviciode garanfiaa domicilioestAdisponibleperose aplicarAuncargode traslado.

Esta garantia no cubre:

*Artfculosde duraci6nlimitadaquesufrendesgastebajocondicionesnormalesde uso,talescomobujiasde encendido,purificadoresde aire,y lAminas.

,Reemplazoo reparacionesde Ilantascausadasporpinchadurasconobjetosexteriorescomo,porejemplo,clavos,espinas,palosovidrios,etc.

Reparacionesnecesariasdebidoa abusodel operador,incluyendo,perosin limitarsea ellos,losdahoscausadosporobjetos,talescomo piedras,desechosde metalo trozosde maderade untamahodemasiadogrande,objetosque hacenimpactoque puedendoblarla estructurao el carter,o sobreacelerarel motor.

Reparacionesnecesariasdebidoa negligenciadeloperador,incluyendoentre otros,dahosmecanicoy electricoocasionadoporun almacenamientonoapropiado,falla porel usode aceitede gradoy/o cantidadnoapropiadao fallapor nodar mantenimientoal equipode acuerdocon las instruccionescontenidasenel manualdel operador.

Limpiezao reparacionesal motor(sistemadecombustible)provocadasporuncombustiblecontaminadouoxidado(viejo). Engeneral,el combustibledebeutilizarseen unperiodono mayorde30 diasa partir desu adquisici6n.

Equiposutilizadosparafinescomercialeso dealquiler.

Estagaranfias61otendravalidezdurante90 dias si esteproductose utilizaencualquiermomentoparafinescomercialeso dealquiler. Estagaranfias61otendravalidezmientrasel productose utiliceen los EstadosUnidos.

Estagaranfialeotorgaderechoslegalesespecificos,peroustedpodriagozardeotrosderechosen raz6nde su lugarde residencia.

Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179



Tipo deaceitedelmotor:


Capacidadde aceitedel motor:

20 onzas


Gasolinasin Plomo


Champion® RC-12YC

Separaci6nde lasbujias:


N_merode modelo ..........................................................

Numerode serie ..............................................................

Fechade compra .............................................................

Registrearribael nOmerodel modelo,el nOmerode seriey la fecha

de compra

© Sears Brands,LLO


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Craftsman 247.776370 manual Cubierta posterior

247.776370 specifications

The Craftsman 247.776370 is a robust and versatile lawn tractor designed to meet a variety of landscaping needs. This machine merges performance with advanced technology, making it a valuable asset for homeowners and lawn care enthusiasts alike. One of the standout features of the 247.776370 is its powerful engine. Equipped with a reliable 24 HP Briggs & Stratton V-Twin engine, this lawn tractor delivers consistent power and performance, ensuring efficient operation over large areas. This engine setup is particularly beneficial for tackling tougher mowing tasks, including tall grass and uneven terrains.

Another notable feature is the 54-inch cutting deck. The wide deck not only improves mowing efficiency by covering more ground but also allows for superior maneuverability around obstacles such as trees and flower beds. The cutting height can be easily adjusted, allowing users to select from multiple height settings, enabling customization based on the type of grass and desired lawn look.

Additionally, the Craftsman 247.776370 comes equipped with a hydrostatic transmission, which provides seamless speed control without the need for gear shifting. This user-friendly design enhances the operator's comfort, making it easier to navigate various terrains with precision. The tractor also incorporates a tight turning radius, making it ideal for maneuvering in confined spaces.

One of the key technologies incorporated into this model is its automatic choke system, which simplifies starting and ensures the engine runs smoothly in different temperature conditions. Furthermore, the tractor features a comfortable high-back seat designed to provide support during extended use, enhancing overall user experience.

The Craftsman 247.776370 also includes toolkit support and storage solutions, including cup holders and an onboard storage compartment, enabling easy access to essential tools and personal items. In terms of maintenance, this model is designed for easy accessibility, allowing users to perform routine maintenance tasks without hassle.

Overall, the Craftsman 247.776370 stands out for its combination of powerful performance, advanced features, and user-friendly design, making it an excellent choice for both residential lawns and larger properties. Whether mowing the lawn, tackling leaves, or engaging in light towing, this tractor provides efficiency and reliability for all outdoor projects.