Language code list
Abkhazian: 6566
Afrikaans: 6570
Albanian: 8381
Ameharic: 6577
Hebrew: | 7387 | Samoan: | 8377 |
Hindi: | 7273 | Sanskrit: | 8365 |
Hungarian: | 7285 | Scots Gaelic: | 7168 |
Icelandic: | 7383 | Serbian: | 8382 |
Indonesian: | 7378 | 8372 | |
Interlingua: | 7365 | Shona: | 8378 |
Troubleshooting guide
Before requesting service, make the following checks. If you are in doubt about some of the check points, or if the solutions indicated in the chart do not solve the problem, refer to “Customer Services Directory” on page 26 if you reside in the U.S.A., or refer to “Product information” on page 4 if you reside in Canada. In other areas, consult your dealer.
Armenian: 7289
Assamese: 6583
Azerbaijani: 6590
Bengali; Bangla: 6678
Irish: | 7165 | Sindhi: | 8368 |
Italian: | 7384 | Singhalese: | 8373 |
Japanese: | 7465 | Slovak: | 8375 |
Javanese: | 7487 | Slovenian: | 8376 |
Kannada: | 7578 | Somali: | 8379 |
Kashmiri: | 7583 | Spanish: | 6983 |
Kazakh: | 7575 | Sundanese: | 8385 |
No power.
The unit is automatically switched to the standby mode.
•Insert the AC power supply cord securely into the household AC outlet. (9)
•When “AUTO POWER OFF” is set to “ON”, the unit automatically switches to standby after approximately 30 minutes in the stop mode. (20)
Kirghiz: | 7589 | Swahili: | 8387 |
Korean: | 7579 | Swedish: | 8386 |
No operation
Bulgarian: 6671
Burmese: 7789
Byelorussian: 6669
Cambodian: 7577
Chinese: 9072
Corsican: 6779
Croatian: 7282
Esperanto: 6979
Estonian: 6984
Faroese: 7079
Galician: 7176
Georgian: 7565
Kurdish: | 7585 | Tagalog: | 8476 |
Laotian: | 7679 | Tajik: | 8471 |
Latin: | 7665 | Tamil: | 8465 |
Latvian, Lettish: | 7686 | Tatar: | 8484 |
Lingala: | 7678 | Telugu: | 8469 |
Lithuanian: | 7684 | Thai: | 8472 |
Macedonian: | 7775 | Tibetan: | 6679 |
Malagasy: | 7771 | Tigrinya: | 8473 |
Malay: | 7783 | Tonga: | 8479 |
Malayalam: | 7776 | Turkish: | 8482 |
Maltese: | 7784 | Turkmen: | 8475 |
Maori: | 7773 | Twi: | 8487 |
Marathi: | 7782 | Ukrainian: | 8575 |
Moldavian: | 7779 | Urdu: | 8582 |
Mongolian: | 7778 | Uzbek: | 8590 |
Nauru: | 7865 | Vietnamese: | 8673 |
Nepali: | 7869 | Volapük: | 8679 |
Norwegian: | 7879 | Welsh: | 6789 |
Oriya: | 7982 | Wolof: | 8779 |
Pashto, Pushto: | 8083 | Xhosa: | 8872 |
Persian: | 7065 | Yiddish: | 7473 |
Polish: | 8076 | Yoruba: | 8979 |
No response when any buttons pressed.
No response when remote control buttons pressed.
No picture or sound.
You have forgotten your ratings password.
Reset all the settings to Factory Preset.
•This unit cannot play discs other than the ones listed in these operating instructions. (5)
•The unit may not be operating properly due to lightning, static electricity or some other external factor. Turn the unit off and then back to ON. Alternatively, turn the unit off, disconnect the AC power supply cord, and then reconnect it.
•Condensation has formed: Wait 1 to 2 hours for it to evaporate.
•Check that the batteries are installed correctly. (9)
•The batteries are depleted: Replace them with new ones. (9)
•Point the remote control at the remote control sensor and operate. (10)
•Check the video or audio connection. (7 to 9)
•Check the power or input setting of the connected equipment.
•While stopped, remove the disc, and then press and hold
[q] (PLAY) and [g] on the unit and then also press and hold [POWER 8] on the unit until “INITIALIZED” disappears from the television. Turn the unit off and on again. All settings will return to the default values.
Troubleshooting guide
German: 6869
Greenlandic: 7576
Portuguese: | 8084 | Zulu: | 9085 |
Punjabi: | 8065 |
Quechua: | 8185 |
8277 |
| |
Romanian: | 8279 |
Russian: | 8285 |