NOTE:Itmaybenecessaryto movethehandle supportsfromsideto sideinordertoalignthehandle soitwillslideoverthehandlesupports.
4.Insert"L"boltthroughholeon rightsideof handle (viewingfromhandlesideof unit)andattach plasticknob.Tightenknobbyhand.
5.Insertcarriageboltthroughleftsideholefrom outsideof unitandattacha plasticknobfrom insideof unit(viewingunitfromthehandleside). Tightenbyhand.
6.Insert"J+'hook into second from left slot in
accessory tray.
7.Pinch chemical hose and slide it into metal clip as shown.
. Tilt unit up by handle and attach metal clip to rib on center underside of accessory tray. Slide chemical hose through metal clip so that it is tight but not kinked.
Add Engine Oil
IMPORTANT: Any attempt to crank or start the engine before it has been properly serviced with the recommended oil may result in an engine failure.
NOTE: When adding oil to the engine crankcase, use only high quality detergent oil rated with API service classification SF, SG, SH, SJ or higher rated SAE 30 weight. DO NOT use special additives.
1.Choose a viscosity according to table below.
p | _20 | _ | _0 | 32 | 4o | _0 | _0 | lOO |
C +_ | +20 | 1tJ | t_ | lg | 2g, | 3g, | _,g |
*The use of
**If using SAE 30 oil in temperatures below 40_F
(4_C), it will result in hard starting and possible engine bore damage due to inadequate lubrication.
2.Place pressure washer on a level surface.
3.Clean area around oil fill.
4.Remove oil fill cap.
5.Pour oil slowly. Fill to the point of overflowing.
6.Replace oil fill cap, tighten securely.
NOTE: Check oil often during engine
Add Fuel
,_ WARNINGfNEVER fill fuelNEVERtank whenfill fuelenginetank indoorsis running. or hot. Allow unit to cool for two minutes before
refueling. DO NOT light a cigarette or smoke when filling the fuel tank.
,_ WARNING]full. Provide spaceNEVERfor fillfuelfuelexpansiontank completely. Wipe away any fuel spillage from engine and equipment before starting.
Use fresh, clean unleaded automotive fuel and store in approved, clean, covered containers. Use clean fill funnels. NEVER use "stale" fuel left over from last season or fuel stored for long periods.
Clean area around fuel fill cap, remove cap.