Nuncarnanipulelos dispositivosde seguridadde rnanera irnprudente.Controleperi6dicarnentequefuncionende forrna adecuada.

Controlefrecuenternentequetodoslospernosy tornillosest_n bienajustadosparacornprobarquela rn_.quinase encuentraen condicionessegurasdefuncionarnientoAdern._.s,realiceuna inspecci6nvisualde larn_.quinaparacontrolarsi larnisrnaest,. da_aday rep_.reladeser necesario.

Antesde lirnpiar,repararo inspeccionarla rn_.quina,detengael motory cornpruebequeel rnisrnoy quetodaslas piezasrn6viles se hallandetenido.Desconecteel cablede labujiay p6ngalo

de rnaneraquehagarnasacontrael motorparaevitarquese enciendade rnaneraaccidental.

Nocarnbielaconfiguraci6ndel reguladordel motorni acelere dernasiadoel rnisrno.El reguladorcontrolalavelocidadrn_.xirna segurade operaci6ndelmotor.

Mantengao reernplacelasetiquetasde seguridade instrucciones segQnseanecesario.

Sigalas instruccionesde estemanualparacargar,descargar, transportary alrnacenardernaneraseguraestarn_.quina.

Nuncaalrnacenela rn_.quinao el recipientedecombustibleenun espaciocerradodondehayafuego,chispaso luzpilotocornopor ejernplo,calentadoresdeagua, hornos,secadoresde ropa,etc.

Dejequela rn_.quinase enfriepot Io rnenos5 rninutosantesde guardarla.

Consultesiernpreel manualdel operadorparaconocerlas instruccionesadecuadasparael alrnacenarnientofuerade ternporada.

Seg_nla Cornisi6ndeSeguridadde Productosparael Consu- rnidorde los EstadosUnidos(CPSC)y laAgenciade Proteccidn Arnbientalde los EstadosUnidos(EPA),esteproductotieneuna vida Otilmediade siete(7)a_os,6 60horasde funcionarniento. AI finalizarla vida Otilmedia,adquieraunarn_.quinanuevao haga inspeccionaranualrnente_staporundistribuidorde servicio autorizadoparacerciorarsede quetodoslos sisternasrnec_.nicos y de seguridadfuncionancorrectarnentey no tienenexcesivo desgaste.Si noIo hace,puedenproducirseaccidentes,lesiones o rnuerte

Sidebevaciarel tanquedecombustible,h_.galoal airelibre.

Respetelas norrnasreferentesa ladisposici6ncorrectay las

reglarnentacionessobregas,combustible,etc. paraprotegerel medicarnbiente.


Paraevitarlesionesgraveso larnuerte,nornodifiqueel motorbajo ningunacircunstancia.Si carnbialaconfiguracidndel reguladorel motorpuededescontrolarsey operara velocidadesinsegurasNunca. carnbiela configuraci6ndef_.bricadel reguladordelmotor.


Losrnotoresqueest&ncertificadosy curnplencon las regulaciones de ernisionesfederalesEPAy de CaliforniaparaSORE(Equipos peque_ostodoterreno)est_.ncertificadosparaoperarcongasolina cornOnsin plornoy puedenincluirlos siguientessisternasde control de ernisiones:Modificacidnde motor(EM) y catalizadorde tresvias (TWO)siest_.nequipadosde esa rnanera.


Estarn_.quinaest,.equipadacon unmotordecornbusti6ninternay nodebeser utilizadaen ocercade unterrenoagrestecubiertopor bosque,rnalezaso hierbaexceptosi elsisternadeescapedelmotor est,. equipadocon unarnortiguadorde chispasquecurnplacon las leyeslocaleso estatalescorrespondientes,encasode habedas.

Si se utilizaunarnortiguadorde chispasel operadorIo debernantener en condicionesde usoadecuadas.Enel Estadode Californialas

rnedidasanteriorrnenternencionadassonexigidasporIcy (Arficulo 4442del C6digode RecursosPt_blicosde California).Esposible queexistanleyessirnilaresenotrosestados.Lasleyesfederalesse aplicanenterritoriosfederales. Puedeconseguirelarnortiguadordechispasparael silenciadora travesdesu distribuidorautorizadode rnotoreso poni_ndoseen contactoconel departarnentodeservicios,RO. Box361131Cleve- land, Ohio44136-0019.


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Craftsman 1450 Series Mantenimiento Y Almacenamiento, No Modifique EL Motor, Aviso Referido a Emisiones, Guardachispas

247.77638, 77638, 1450 Series specifications

The Craftsman 1450 Series Model 77638, also known as the 247.77638, is a powerful addition to the Craftsman lineup, showcasing the brand's dedication to quality and innovation in outdoor power equipment. This model is designed to provide reliable performance for both residential and commercial users, ensuring efficiency and ease of use in various applications.

One of the standout features of the Craftsman 1450 Series is its robust engine. Equipped with a strong 1450W motor, this model delivers ample power for tackling tough tasks. The motor is designed to be efficient, minimizing energy consumption while maximizing output, making it an eco-friendly choice for users conscious of their environmental footprint.

The 77638 also incorporates a user-friendly interface, making it accessible for both seasoned professionals and novices alike. Its ergonomic design includes comfortable handles and control mechanisms that ensure ease of operation, reducing operator fatigue during extended use. Coupled with its lightweight construction, maneuverability becomes a significant advantage, allowing users to navigate challenging terrains without hassle.

Durability is another key characteristic of the Craftsman 1450 Series. Constructed with high-quality materials, the model is built to withstand the rigors of frequent use. This ruggedness ensures longevity, making the investment worthwhile for anyone needing reliable outdoor equipment. The corrosion-resistant finish enhances its lifespan, protecting it against the elements.

In terms of technology, the Craftsman 1450 Series incorporates advanced safety features. An automatic shut-off mechanism prevents overheating, while the protective casing shields users from potential hazards. These safety measures ensure that users can operate the equipment confidently, knowing that they are protected.

Moreover, maintenance is simple with this model, as it is designed for easy access to internal components. Regular upkeep can be performed without the need for specialized tools, making it convenient for users to ensure their equipment remains in optimal condition.

In summary, the Craftsman 1450 Series Model 77638, 247.77638 stands out with its powerful motor, user-friendly design, durability, and innovative safety features. Ideal for a wide range of outdoor tasks, this model exemplifies Craftsman's commitment to delivering quality and performance. Whether for home maintenance or professional landscaping, the 77638 is a significant asset for any toolkit, reflecting the brand's renowned reputation for excellence in craftsmanship.