3.Girelav_.lvulade cierredecombustiblea la posici6nEN.

4.Muevaelcontroldelobturadorhaciael controldel regulador!'o,I paraobturarel carburadordelmotor.(Siel motorest,. tibio

la obturaci6npuedeno sernecesaria).

5.Muevalapalancadecontroldel estranguladora la posici6n ,_ START/RUN(encendido/ funcionarniento,representadopor unaliebre).Veala figura 10.

6.Situadodetr&sde la unidad,tomela rnanijadelarrancadory tire dela cuerdahastaquesientauntir6n.

NOTA:Escuchar_un. sonidocuandoalcanceelcornienzodelciclode cornpresi6n.Estesonidoes causadoporel descebadoy los topesque

sonparte delrnecanisrnodela trituradorayes de esperarhastaqueel motoralcancela rn_.xirnavelocidad.

7.Tire de lacuerdadernanerar_.piday continua.Aprietebienla rnanijadelarrancador.Dejequelacuerdase enrosque lentarnente.

8.Repitaestepaso,de sernecesario,hastaquese enciendael motor.Cuandose enciendeel motorrnuevaelcontrolde

obturacidngradualrnentelejosdel controldelestrangulador.

9.Siel motorfalla,rnuevaelcontroldel obturadorhaciaatr_.s,en direccidnal controldelestrangulador,y repitalos pasos5 a8.

10.MantengaSIEMPREelcontroldelestranguladorenposicidn START/RUN(encendido/ funcionarniento)rnientrasoperela cortadoratrituradora. _lJ


1.El reguladorde movirnientocontrolala palancaparareducirla

rnarcha(tortuga)_ de laposici6n.Siernpreque posible,

gradualrnentereduzcala velocidadde motorantesde pararel motor.

2.Muevalas palancasdecontroldel reguladora la posici6n STOP(detencidn)uOFF(apagado).

3.Girelav_.lvulade cierredecombustiblea la posicidnOFR

4.Desconecteel cabledela bujfay tierracontrael motorparaevitar el arranqueaccidentalrnientrasel equipoest,. desatendido.


Eldesechoquese acurnulaen los patioscornoporejernplolas hojas y las agujasde los pinospuedeser colocadoenla tolvaparatriturarlo. Despu_sdeprocesarel materialcon lacuchillade latrituradoray dedesgranar,esernpujadofueradel deflectordelcanaly,si est,. instalada,haciael interiordela bolsade recolecci6nde desechos. Respetelas siguientespautascuandotrituredesechosquese acurnulanen lospatios:

$61outilicela rn_.quinaparatriturarel materialquese encuentra enun pationormal(hojas,rarnas,picasde los pinos,etc.).

Evitarla trituracidnlasplantasfibrosas,cornolasvidesde tornate,hojasde palrna,etc,hastaqueest_ncornpletarnente secos. Frescasvisas notriturebieny tiendena envolverseen todoel irnpulsory flails.

Coloquecantidadesrazonablesde desechosen la tolvaporvez.


Perrnitaqueel materialque seencuentraen latolvasea atrafdo hastalas cuchillasy trituradoantesde agregarrn_.desechos dentrode larnisrna.Deno hacerlose puedetaparla tolva,el deflectordel canalo detenerel motor.


Sepuedeperrnitirel ingresode rarnasdehasta3" de di_.rnetroen el

canalde la cortadora.Respetelassiguientespautasparael cortede las rarnas:

Mantengaarnbasrnanosfirrnernenteen la rarnaa rnedidaque la colocadentrodel canaldela cortadora.



Enelcanalde lacortadoras61osepuedecolocarrarnas(de rnadera).

Apliquepresi6ninterrnitente(fuerza,en irnpulsoscortos)cuando coloquerarnasrn_.slargas(de3 pulgadasdedi_.rnetro)dentro del canaldela cortadoraparaevitarinundaro ahogarel motor.

IMPORTANTE:Nuncacoloquerarnascon undi_.rnetrosuperiora tres (3)pulgadasdentrodelcanalde lacortadora.Dehacerlose pueden

daSargravernentelas cuchillasde corte,eldesgranadoo el motorde launidad.

NOTA:Pararnejoresresultados,operesiernprela unidadcon cuchillasde corteafiladas.Si se produceunareducci6napreciable

en el rendirnientornientrasse cortanrarnas,se debereernplazarlas cuchillasde la cortadora.


1.Conunarnanotomela rnanijaquese encuentraenla parte superiordel rnontajede la tolvay lev_.ntelalevernente.

2.Conlaotra rnanotire haciaafuerade lavarillade liberaci6ny bajeel rnontajede la tolvahastael piso.


1.Sueltela cuerdade extracci6ny aflojela bolsade laaberturadel canaldeflector.

2.Vacfela bolsay vuelvaa colocarlaenla aberturadelcanal de descarga.Tire dela cuerdahastaquela bolsaest_ajustada alrededordela aberturadelcanaly sujetela cuerdaapret_.ndola contraelcanaldeflector.

IMPORTANTE:Lapantalladedesgranadoest,. ubicadadentrodela caja enla zonadedescarga.Si se tapala pantallade desgranado, s_.quelay Ifrnpielacornose indicaen lasecci6nServicioy Man-

tenirniento.Paraobtenerel rnejorresultadotarnbi_nes irnportante rnantenerafiladala cuchilladela cortadora.


Page 45
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Craftsman 77638 Para Detener EL Motor, Trituracion, Corte, C6MO Bajar EL Montaje DE LA Tolva, C6MO Descargar LA Bolsa

247.77638, 77638, 1450 Series specifications

The Craftsman 1450 Series Model 77638, also known as the 247.77638, is a powerful addition to the Craftsman lineup, showcasing the brand's dedication to quality and innovation in outdoor power equipment. This model is designed to provide reliable performance for both residential and commercial users, ensuring efficiency and ease of use in various applications.

One of the standout features of the Craftsman 1450 Series is its robust engine. Equipped with a strong 1450W motor, this model delivers ample power for tackling tough tasks. The motor is designed to be efficient, minimizing energy consumption while maximizing output, making it an eco-friendly choice for users conscious of their environmental footprint.

The 77638 also incorporates a user-friendly interface, making it accessible for both seasoned professionals and novices alike. Its ergonomic design includes comfortable handles and control mechanisms that ensure ease of operation, reducing operator fatigue during extended use. Coupled with its lightweight construction, maneuverability becomes a significant advantage, allowing users to navigate challenging terrains without hassle.

Durability is another key characteristic of the Craftsman 1450 Series. Constructed with high-quality materials, the model is built to withstand the rigors of frequent use. This ruggedness ensures longevity, making the investment worthwhile for anyone needing reliable outdoor equipment. The corrosion-resistant finish enhances its lifespan, protecting it against the elements.

In terms of technology, the Craftsman 1450 Series incorporates advanced safety features. An automatic shut-off mechanism prevents overheating, while the protective casing shields users from potential hazards. These safety measures ensure that users can operate the equipment confidently, knowing that they are protected.

Moreover, maintenance is simple with this model, as it is designed for easy access to internal components. Regular upkeep can be performed without the need for specialized tools, making it convenient for users to ensure their equipment remains in optimal condition.

In summary, the Craftsman 1450 Series Model 77638, 247.77638 stands out with its powerful motor, user-friendly design, durability, and innovative safety features. Ideal for a wide range of outdoor tasks, this model exemplifies Craftsman's commitment to delivering quality and performance. Whether for home maintenance or professional landscaping, the 77638 is a significant asset for any toolkit, reflecting the brand's renowned reputation for excellence in craftsmanship.