Immediatelyprepareyourtractorfor stor- age at the end ofthe seasonor ifthe trac- tor willnot be used for 30 daysor more.

_CAUTION: Never store thetractorwith

gasolinein the tank insidea building where fumesmay reach an openflame or

spark. Allowthe engineto coolbefore storingin any enclosure.


Remove mowerfrom tractorfor winter storage.Thiswill allowyouto clean itthor- oughly.Removeall dirt,grease, leaves, etc. Store in a clean, dry area.

Clean entiretractor(See "CLEANING" in the Maintenancesectionof thisman-


Inspectand replacebelts,if necessary (See belt replacementinstructionsin the Service andAdjustmentssectionof this manual).

Lubricateas shownin the Maintenance sectionof this manual.

Be sure thatall nuts,boltsand screws are securelyfastened.Inspectmoving parts for damage,breakageand wear. Replaceif necessary.

Touchup all rustedor chippedpaintsur-

faces; sand lightlybeforepainting.


Fullychargethe batteryfor storage.

After a periodof time in storage,battery may requirerecharging.

To help preventcorrosionand power leakage duringlongperiodsof storage, batterycablesshouldbe disconnected

and batterycleanedthoroughly(see


NALS"in the Maintenancesectionof this manual).

After cleaning,leavecablesdisconnect- ed and placecables where theycannot come in contactwithbatteryterminals.

If batteryis removedfrom tractorfor storage, do not store batterydirectlyon concreteor damp surfaces.



IMPORTANT: It is important to prevent gum deposits from forming in essential fuel system parts such as carburetor, fuel

filter, _ose,_or tank during storage.

Also, experience indicates that alcohol

blendedfuels (calledgasohoior using ethanolor methanol)can attractmoisture whichleads to separation and formationof acidsduringstorage.Acidicgas can dam- age the fuel systemof an enginewhilein storage.

Drain the fuel tank.

Startthe engineand let it run untilthe fuel linesand carburetorare empty.

Never use engineor carburetorcleaner productsin thefuel tank or permanent damage may occur.

Use fresh fuel next season.

NOTE: Fuelstabilizeris an acceptable alternativein minimizingthe formation of fuel gum depositsduringstorage.Add sta- bilizerto gasolinein fuel tank or storage container.Alwaysfollow the mix ratio found on stabilizercontainer.Run engine at least 10 minutesafteraddingstabilizer to allowthe stabilizerto reachthe carbure- tor.Do not drainthe gastank and carbure- tor if usingfuel stabilizer.


Drain oil (withengine warm)and replace with clean engineoil. (See "ENGINE"in the Maintenancesectionof this manual).


Remove sparkplug(s).

Pour one ounceof oilthroughspark plug hole(s)intocylinder(s).

Turn ignitionkey to =START"positionfor a few secondsto distributeoil.

Replace withnew spark plug(s).


Do not store gasolinefrom one season to another. ....

Replaceyourgasolinecan if it startsto rust.Rustand/ordirtin your gasoline willcause problems.

If possible,storeyourtractorindoors and cover itto give protectionfrom dust and dirt.

Coveryourtractorwitha suitablepro- tectivecoverthat does not retain mois-

ture. Do not use plastic.Plasticcannot breathe,whichallowscondensationto

formand causeyourtractorto rust. IMPORTANT: Never covertractorwhile

engine and exhaustareas are stillwarm.


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Image 27
Craftsman 917.271110 owner manual =-I0CLEAN Batteryand Termi, Engine OIL, Cylinders, Other