Este tractorest_ equipadocon un sistemade bloqueode seguridadpara protecci6ndel operador.Si el sistemade bloqueofuncionamal,no se debe hacerfuncionar eltractor.Comuniquesecon Sears u otro distribuidorde serviciocalificado.

Elsistemade bloqueode seguridadimpideque el motorarranque o se enciendaa menosque estecolocadoel frenode mano,y la palanca de potenciade arranque(enganchede cuchilla)esteen posici6n desconectada(OFF).

Siel operadorabandonasu asientoantesde colocar el frenode mano, el motorse apagar_autom_ticamente.

Elembraguede la potenciade arranque (PTO)(enganchede cuchilla) electricase apagar_autom_ticamentesi el operadorabandonael asientodel tractorcon la perillade la potenciade arranque(PTO) (enganchede cuchilla)en la posici6nde encendido(ON), independi- entementede queel frenode mano estecolocadoo no.

Con la Ilavede encendidoen la posici6nde CORTENORMAL,el embraguede la PTO(enganchede cuchilla)el@tricase desconectar_ autom_ticamentesi la perillade la potenciade arranque(enganche de cuchilla)se colocaen posici6nde encendido (ON)con el pedalde transmisi6nen marchaarras.

Noopereel tractorsi el sistemade bloqueofuncionareal.Elsistemafue dise_adopara brindarleseguridady protecci6n.


Si golpeacontraalg_n objetoextra,o, detengael motory desconecteel(Ios)l cable(s) de las bujias. Inspeccioneminuciosamentela m_quinapara versi I

est_ da6ada. Repareel da6o antesde volvera encenderel motory operar


a m_qu na.


1.Si las cuchillasest_nenganchadas,coloque la palancade lapotencia de arranque(PTO) (enganchede cuchilla)en la posici6nOFF (apagado).

2.Coloqueel control del reguladoren la posici6nVELOCIDADLENTA.

3.Gire laIlavede encendidoen sentidocontrarioalas agujas del reloja la posici6nSTOP (parar).

4.RetirelaIlavedel interruptorde encendidopara evitarque alguien enciendaaccidentalmenteel motor.


EvitearrancarsQbitamente,desarrollarexcesivavelocidady detenersede repente.

Presionelevementeel pedaldel freno para liberarel frenode mano.Muevala palanca del reguladora la posici6nFAST(VELOCIDADR_,PIDA,represen-

tada por una liebre). f


NOTA: Consultelasecci6n Preparaci6ny Montajede este manualpara



obtenerinstruccionessobre el Ilenadode aceitey gasolina.


1.Insertela Ilavedel tractoren el m6dulodel interruptorde encendido.

2.Coloquela palancade lapotenciade arranque(PTO) (enganchede cuchilla)en la posici6nOFF (apagado).


Coloqueelfreno de mano deltractor.

Pedalde la



Activeel control del cebadormoviendoelcontrol del regulador/cebador




completamentehaciaadelanteen la posici6nde cebador.

marcha arras


5.Girela Ilavede encendidoen elsentido de las agujasdel relojhasta la posici6nSTART(encendido).Unavez que arranqueel motor,sueltela Ilave.Volver_a la posici6nde CORTENORMAL.


NO mantengala Ilaveen la posici6nSTART(encendido)durantem_sde

diezsegundosporvez. Si Io hace, puedeocasionarda6osal arrancador





electricodel motor.


ParaconducirhaciaADELANTE,presionesuavementeel pedalde




6. Unavez quearranque el motor,desactiveel controldel cebador.



NOTA: NO dejeel control del cebadoractivado mientrasoperael tractor.Si


ParaconducirMARCHAATRAS,verifiquequeel _rea de arraseste

Io hace,se generar_una mezcla"rica"de combustibles,Io cual har_ queel


despejada.Luegopresionesuavementeel pedal de marchaarrascon



la parteanteriordel pie (NO con el tal6n) hastaalcanzarla velocidad



deseada.Veala Figura7.

NO intente cambiarladirecci6n de desplazamientomientraseltractor este

en movimiento.Siempredebedetenereltractor totalmenteantesde cambiai de marchaadelantea marchaarraso viceversa.


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Craftsman PYT 9000, 247.28672 manual Detencion DEL Motor, Conduccion DEL Tractor, Encendido DEL Motor

247.28672, PYT 9000 specifications

The Craftsman PYT 9000, model 247.28672, is a powerful and versatile lawn tractor designed to meet the needs of homeowners who take pride in maintaining their lawns. With its robust construction and innovative features, this tractor combines durability with efficiency, making yard work a more enjoyable and manageable task.

One of the standout features of the PYT 9000 is its powerful engine. Equipped with a 24 HP Briggs & Stratton engine, it delivers ample power for cutting grass, hauling debris, and handling various lawn care tasks. The engine is designed for long-lasting performance, ensuring that your tractor reliably starts and runs smoothly for years to come.

The cutting deck of the Craftsman PYT 9000 is another impressive aspect of its design. Featuring a 42-inch cutting width, this deck allows for a wider cutting path, enabling you to tackle larger areas in less time. The deck is made from durable materials that are resistant to wear, ensuring reliability even under heavy use. Additionally, the deck height can be easily adjusted, offering versatile mowing heights to suit different grass types and preferences.

This lawn tractor is equipped with a hydrostatic transmission, providing seamless speed control and allowing for effortless operation. The transmission allows for smooth acceleration and deceleration, giving the operator full control over the mowing process. This feature greatly enhances the user experience, making it an ideal choice for both novice and experienced users.

Comfort and convenience are also prioritized in the Craftsman PYT 9000. The tractor includes a comfortable, adjustable seat that provides support during extended use. An integrated cup holder and storage compartment add to the overall functionality, ensuring that your essentials are within reach while you work.

The PYT 9000 also features cutting-edge technology with its intuitive controls and dashboard. The bright display provides crucial information such as fuel level and engine status, enabling users to monitor their tractor's performance at a glance. Safety is another key consideration, with a seat switch that ensures the engine stops when the operator leaves the seat.

In summary, the Craftsman PYT 9000, model 247.28672, offers a compelling blend of power, convenience, and innovative features. With its robust engine, versatile cutting deck, and user-friendly design, it is well-suited for homeowners looking to elevate their lawn care experience. Whether you’re mowing, mulching, or towing, the PYT 9000 stands out as a reliable and efficient lawn care solution.