3.Afloje,pero NO extraiga,el pernode cabeza hexagonalubicadoen la mensulade suspensi6nizquierdade laplataforma.Yeala Figura28.

Perno he×agona

Engranaje de ajuste


4.Con unaIlave,levanteo baje el ladoizquierdode laplataformagirando el engranajede ajuste.Vea la Figura28.

La plataformaseencuentracorrectamenteniveladacuandolasdos medicionestomadasantesalas puntasde lascuchillasson iguales.Unavez alcanzadoel ajustenecesario,vuelvaa ajustar el pernode cabeza hexagonal de la mensulade suspensi6nizquierdade la plataforma.

Ajuste del freno de mano

Ajuste del volante

Si le cuestagirar el tractoren unadirecci6n m&squeen laotra, o si se reemplazanlasjuntasde r6tuladebido a daSoso desgaste,puedeset necesarioajustar lasbarrasde acoplamientodelvolante.

Ajustelas barrasde acoplamientopara roscarlongitudesigualesde cadauna en lajunta de la r6tula del ladoizquierdoy la juntade la r6tuladel ladoderecho:

1.Extraigala tuercahexagonalde abajode lajunta de la r6tula. Veala Figura29.





Si eltractor no se detienetotalmenteal presionarel pedalde frenoa fondo, o si lasruedastraserasdel tractor siguenrodandocon elfreno de mano

colocado(y lav&lvulade descargade latransmisi6nabierta),hay queajustar elfreno. Consultecon un distribuidorSears u otrodistribuidorde servicio

calificadopara que le ajustenelfreno correctamente..

Ajuste del asiento

Consulteen la secci6nMontajede este manuallas instruccionespara el ajustedel asiento.

Antes de operareltractor, asegQresede queel asiento esteenganchadoen el tope del asiento.Coloqueel frenode mano.P&resedetr_sde la m&quina y tire del asientohaciaarrashastaque encajeen su lugar haciendoclic.

2.Enrosquela juntade la r6tula haciaadentropara acortar la barrade acoplamiento.Enrosquela juntade la r6tulahaciaafuera paraalargar la barrade acoplamiento.

3.Vuelvaa colocar latuercahexagonaldespuesde Iograrel ajusteadecuado.

NOTA: Si se roscan las r6tulasdemasiadolejossobre las barrasde acoplamiento,las ruedasdelanterasconverger_ndemasiadolejos. La convergenciaadecuadase encuentraentre 1/16"y 5/16".

La convergenciade las ruedasdelanteraspuedemedirsede estemodo:

a.Coloqueel volanteen posici6nde desplazamientohaciaadelante.

b.Delantedel eje, mida ladistanciahorizontaldesdeel interiorde la

Ilantaizquierdahastael interiorde la Ilantaderecha. Anote ladistancia.

c.Detr_sdel eje, midala distanciahorizontaldesdeel interiorde la

Ilantaizquierdahastael interiorde la Ilantaderecha. Anote ladistancia.

d.La medidatomadadelantedel eje debe set entre 1/16"y 5/16" menorquela tomadadetr_sdel eje.


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Craftsman 247.28672, PYT 9000 manual Ajuste del freno de mano, Ajuste del volante, Ajuste del asiento

247.28672, PYT 9000 specifications

The Craftsman PYT 9000, model 247.28672, is a powerful and versatile lawn tractor designed to meet the needs of homeowners who take pride in maintaining their lawns. With its robust construction and innovative features, this tractor combines durability with efficiency, making yard work a more enjoyable and manageable task.

One of the standout features of the PYT 9000 is its powerful engine. Equipped with a 24 HP Briggs & Stratton engine, it delivers ample power for cutting grass, hauling debris, and handling various lawn care tasks. The engine is designed for long-lasting performance, ensuring that your tractor reliably starts and runs smoothly for years to come.

The cutting deck of the Craftsman PYT 9000 is another impressive aspect of its design. Featuring a 42-inch cutting width, this deck allows for a wider cutting path, enabling you to tackle larger areas in less time. The deck is made from durable materials that are resistant to wear, ensuring reliability even under heavy use. Additionally, the deck height can be easily adjusted, offering versatile mowing heights to suit different grass types and preferences.

This lawn tractor is equipped with a hydrostatic transmission, providing seamless speed control and allowing for effortless operation. The transmission allows for smooth acceleration and deceleration, giving the operator full control over the mowing process. This feature greatly enhances the user experience, making it an ideal choice for both novice and experienced users.

Comfort and convenience are also prioritized in the Craftsman PYT 9000. The tractor includes a comfortable, adjustable seat that provides support during extended use. An integrated cup holder and storage compartment add to the overall functionality, ensuring that your essentials are within reach while you work.

The PYT 9000 also features cutting-edge technology with its intuitive controls and dashboard. The bright display provides crucial information such as fuel level and engine status, enabling users to monitor their tractor's performance at a glance. Safety is another key consideration, with a seat switch that ensures the engine stops when the operator leaves the seat.

In summary, the Craftsman PYT 9000, model 247.28672, offers a compelling blend of power, convenience, and innovative features. With its robust engine, versatile cutting deck, and user-friendly design, it is well-suited for homeowners looking to elevate their lawn care experience. Whether you’re mowing, mulching, or towing, the PYT 9000 stands out as a reliable and efficient lawn care solution.