Para encenderel motor,inserte laIlave en el interruptorde encendidoy girela en el sentidode lasagujasdel reloj haciala posici6nSTART(encendido).Suelte

la Ilaveen laposici6nMODONORMAL

DECORTEunavez que hayaarrancado el motor.

Para detenerel motor,gire la Ilavede encendidoen sentidocontrarioalas agujas del relojhasta la _osici6nSTOP(parar).

Nuncadeje la m&quinaen funcionamientosin vigilancia.Siempre desconectela potenciade arranque(PTO), coloqueel frenode mano,

apagueel motory retirela Ilave,paraevitar quealguien enciendaaccidental. menteel motor.

Antesde operareltractor, consulteInterruptoresde Bloqueode Seguridad y Arranquedel Motoren la secci6nFuncionamientode estemanualpara vet instruccionesdetalladasdel M6dulodel Interrup!orde Encendidoy,del _funconamento de tractor en e MODO PRECAUCON MARCHAATRAS.




El pedalde la transmisi6nest_ ubicadoa laderechadel


tractor,sobre el estribo.Presioneel pedalde transmisi6n


haciaadelanteparaque el tractorse mueva hacia

adelante.La velocidadabsolutatambiense controlacon

el pedalde latransmisi6n.Cuantom&sse presioneel


pedalhaciaadelante,m_sr@ido se mover_eltractor.


El pedalvolver_a su posici6noriginalcuandodeje


de presionarlo.




El pedalde marchaatr&sest&ubicado a la derechadel tractor,sobre el estribo.La velocidadabsolutatambien se controlacon el pedalde marchaatr&s.Cuantom&s se presioneel pedalhaciaabajo,m_s r@idose mover_ eltractor. El pedalvolver_ a su posici6noriginal cuando dejede presionarlo.


Cuando la Ilavede encendidose rota fuerade la posici6nSTOP (parar) pero no se colocaen la

posici6nSTART(encendido),el monitor indicadorde sistemas

muestra lasalida de labateria,

en voltios, en su LCD(pantalladeI cristal liquido) duranteaproxi- madamentecincosegundos,y despuesmuestraun relojde arena

y las horasde funcionamiento

o rS" (P) o

del tractor. Unavezque haya arrancadoel tractor,el monitor continuamentemuestraun relojde

arenay las horasde funcionamientodel tractoren su LCD.

NOTA: Las horas de funcionamientodel tractorse registrancadavez que la Ilavede encendidose rotafuera de la posici6nSTOP(parar),independiente- mentede que se hayaarrancadoel motor.

Elmonitorindicadortambien le recuerdaal operadorlos intervalosde mantenimientoparacambiarel aceitedel motor.La pantallade cristal liquido parpadeaalternativamentelashoras registradas,"CHG"(CAMBIO)y "Oil" (ACEITE)durantecinco minutos,despuesde que hayanpasado50 horas de funcionamientoregistrado.El intervalode mantenimientodura dos horas (entre 50-52, 100-102,150-152,etc.) La pantallade cristal liquidotambien

parpadeasegQnse describem_sarriba, durantecinco minutos,cadavez que el motordel tractor se enciendeduranteel intervalode mantenimientoAntes.

de quefinalice el intervalo,cambieel aceitedel motorsegQnse indica en la secci6nServicioy Mantenimientode este Manualdel Operador.


Si se iluminala luzde freno al intentarencenderel motordel tractor,presione el pedal del freno.

Potencia de arranque (PTO) (enganche

de cuchilla)

Si la luzde la potenciade arranque (PTO)se iluminaal intentarencender el motordel tractor,coloque la perillade potenciade arranque(PTO) en la posici6napagado(OFF).


Esnormalque la luzde aceitese iluminecuandoel motorest_ girando duranteelarranque,pero si se iluminadurantela operaci6n,cuandoel motor est&funcionando,detengaeltractor de inmediatoy controleel nivel de aceite del motorsegQnlas instruccionesde esteManualdel operador.


Esnormalque la luzde la bateriase iluminecuandoel motorest_ girando duranteelarranque,pero si se iluminadurantela operaci6n,cuandoel motor est&funcionando,la baterianecesitacarga o el sistemade carga del motor no est&generandoamperajesuficiente.Carguela bateriacomo se indica en lasecci6nServiciode estemanualo hagaque el sistemade carga sea verificadopotsu distribuidorSears u otro distribuidorde serviciocalificado.


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Craftsman PYT 9000 manual DE LA Transmision, Pedal DE Marcha Atras, LCD Monitor Indicador DE SISTEMAS/ Medidor Horario

247.28672, PYT 9000 specifications

The Craftsman PYT 9000, model 247.28672, is a powerful and versatile lawn tractor designed to meet the needs of homeowners who take pride in maintaining their lawns. With its robust construction and innovative features, this tractor combines durability with efficiency, making yard work a more enjoyable and manageable task.

One of the standout features of the PYT 9000 is its powerful engine. Equipped with a 24 HP Briggs & Stratton engine, it delivers ample power for cutting grass, hauling debris, and handling various lawn care tasks. The engine is designed for long-lasting performance, ensuring that your tractor reliably starts and runs smoothly for years to come.

The cutting deck of the Craftsman PYT 9000 is another impressive aspect of its design. Featuring a 42-inch cutting width, this deck allows for a wider cutting path, enabling you to tackle larger areas in less time. The deck is made from durable materials that are resistant to wear, ensuring reliability even under heavy use. Additionally, the deck height can be easily adjusted, offering versatile mowing heights to suit different grass types and preferences.

This lawn tractor is equipped with a hydrostatic transmission, providing seamless speed control and allowing for effortless operation. The transmission allows for smooth acceleration and deceleration, giving the operator full control over the mowing process. This feature greatly enhances the user experience, making it an ideal choice for both novice and experienced users.

Comfort and convenience are also prioritized in the Craftsman PYT 9000. The tractor includes a comfortable, adjustable seat that provides support during extended use. An integrated cup holder and storage compartment add to the overall functionality, ensuring that your essentials are within reach while you work.

The PYT 9000 also features cutting-edge technology with its intuitive controls and dashboard. The bright display provides crucial information such as fuel level and engine status, enabling users to monitor their tractor's performance at a glance. Safety is another key consideration, with a seat switch that ensures the engine stops when the operator leaves the seat.

In summary, the Craftsman PYT 9000, model 247.28672, offers a compelling blend of power, convenience, and innovative features. With its robust engine, versatile cutting deck, and user-friendly design, it is well-suited for homeowners looking to elevate their lawn care experience. Whether you’re mowing, mulching, or towing, the PYT 9000 stands out as a reliable and efficient lawn care solution.