Installing the Modem

Place the modem in front of you as you go through this chapter. This will help you identify the various components of your modem.

On Your Modem
Telephone Line jack
Phone jack
Power jack
RS232 Connector

This chapter guides you through the process of setting up your modem. It is organized as follows:

On Your Modem
Setting up the Modem
Connecting Telephone Line and Phone Set
This section describes the jacks and connectors of the modem.

The Telephone Line jack allows you to connect a telephone line for data and fascimile transmission.

The Phone jack allows you to connect a phone set to the modem.
This jack differs across countries.
The Power jack allows you to connect an external power adapter to your modem.
The RS232 connector allows you to connect the modem to a computer serial port.

Installing the Modem 1-1