

Choosewhereyouwanttoinstallyour dishwasher,youcanplaceitsothatits sidesorbackpanelaresidebysidewith furniture or up against the wall.The dishwasherisprovidedwithwatersupply anddrainhoses,whichcanbedirected towards the left or right to facilitate appropriateinstallation.


Oncetheapplianceispositioned,adjust the feet by screwing them in or out dependingonhowhighyouwantitand tolevelitsothatitishorizontal.Make surethatitisnotinclinedmorethan2 degrees.Iftheapplianceislevel,itwill helpensureitscorrectoperation.


Inserttheapplianceintothecutoutand thenadjusttheheightusingthescrews locatedonthefrontbottompartofthe machine.Useascrewdrivertoturnthe screwsintheclockwiseoranti-clockwise directiontoincreaseordecreasethe heightrespectively.


Connectthecoldwatersupplyhose, insertingthesmallfiltersuppliedwiththe dishwasherandmakingsurethatitis fastenedtightlyinplace(seefigure2).If thewaterhosesareneworhavebeen outofuseforanextendedperiodoftime, letthewaterruntomakesureitisclear andfreeofimpuritiesbeforemakingthe connection.Ifthisprecautionisnottaken, thewaterinletcouldgetblocked,causing damagetoyourdishwasher.



Drainhoseconnection. WARNING:Connectyourdishwasher drainhosetopipeswhichconnecttothe fouldrainsystemandnottosurface waterdrains. IMPORTANT:Forthecorrectoperation of your dishwasher, it is essential to complywiththefollowinginformation:-


Ensurethatthehoseisnotpushedtoo fardownthestandpipe. Iftheendofyourdrainhoseisfittedwith ‘retainingflaps’,ensuretheyareinserted fullyintothestandpipe. Thiswillprevent the pipe from jumping out during installationanduse.

DONOTpositionthestandpipenearan electricaloutlet.

ENSURE that the drain hose is not kinkedanditisroutedasshowninthe diagram.

Thestandpipeshouldhaveaboreofat least38mm(11/2”).Itshouldbeinstalled asshown,haveatrapfittedandmust dischargeintothesamedrainsystem asyourhouseholdsink.

ItMUSTNOTbeconnectedtoasurface waterdrain.



Before connecting the drain hose, removeanyinternalrestrictions-This willpreventabuildupofdebriswhich couldcauseablockage.

Removeanyrestrictionsfromthewaste spigotandensurethatthesealingbung isremoved.Thehoseshouldberouted, suchthatitisraisedtoaminimumheight of800mm(31/2”).

NOTE:Ensurethesinkoutletpipe hasaminimumdiamtereof32mm.

1.UntietheendoftheGREY drainagehosefromtherearofthe appliance.

2.Repositionthe‘HookedEnd Support’asrequiredalongtheGREY drainagehose.

3.Iffittinganundersinkwaste disposalunit,cutoutthemembrane, bungorblankingplug.

4.AttachtheGREYdrainagehoseto theundersinkwastedisposalunit securely,usingtheclipandrubber tubesupplied.

Ensurethedrainhoseis securelyattached,topreventit comingawaywhilethemachine is in use and causing a flood.


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Creda IDV60 manual Levelling, HeightAdjustment, Coldwaterconnection, Standpipe, SinkWasteSystem

IDV60 specifications

The Creda IDV60 is a highly regarded tumble dryer known for its efficiency and performance, making it a popular choice for families and individuals alike. This appliance is designed to simplify the laundry process with a combination of advanced features and user-friendly technology.

One of the standout characteristics of the Creda IDV60 is its impressive load capacity. It can handle up to 6 kilograms of laundry, making it suitable for medium to large households. This capacity allows users to dry a significant amount of clothing, towels, or bedding in one go, reducing the number of drying cycles needed and ultimately saving time.

The Creda IDV60 employs a vented drying system, which is known for its reliability and effectiveness. This system works by drawing in air from the room, heating it, and then blowing it into the drum. After the moisture is absorbed by the air, it is expelled outside through a vent, allowing clothes to dry quickly. This method not only ensures thorough drying but also helps to prevent the buildup of humidity inside the home.

With multiple drying programs, the Creda IDV60 offers versatility to cater to various fabric types and drying needs. Whether you're drying delicate items or heavy-duty towels, there's a setting to accommodate your laundry requirements. The intuitive dial control makes it easy for users to select their desired program quickly.

Energy efficiency is another vital feature of the Creda IDV60. By using a vented drying system, it optimizes energy consumption, which can help reduce electricity bills in the long run. Furthermore, its build quality ensures durability, promising years of reliable service.

The appliance also includes a reversible door, offering flexibility in installation to suit different laundry room layouts. This thoughtful design feature enables the dryer to fit seamlessly into any space, making it ideal for those with limited areas.

In summary, the Creda IDV60 is a robust and efficient tumble dryer that prioritizes ease of use, versatility, and effective drying technology. With its significant load capacity, energy efficiency, and flexible installation options, it stands out as a reliable addition to any modern laundry setup. Whether tackling everyday laundry or handling larger items, the Creda IDV60 is equipped to meet the demands of contemporary living.