Master Section 3

Rear Panel Features

Aux Insert 1Thru 6

This switching 1/4” TRS jack allows an external processor or EQ to be inserted into the signal path of the Aux circuit. 1/3 Octave EQs or feedback suppressors are commonly used here if the Aux send is used for on stage monitors.The tip carries the SEND signal from the mixer, and the ring carries the RETURN signal back to the mixer.The insert- send point is located directly after the Aux mix bus, the return comes back at the top of the Aux level pot.

Tip is Send, Ring is Return, Sleeve is Audio Ground. Send (output) impedance is 100 unbalanced Return (input) impedance is 5K￿ unbalanced Nominal Operating Level= -2 dBu

NOTE: To avoid any degradation of the mixer's output signal, any processing gear patched into any insert point should have a low impedance output (<100￿ ) and must be capable of cleanly driving a 2K￿ load to +21 dBu.

Aux OUTTRS Jacks 1Thru 6

The six Aux master outputs are available on these 1/4” TRS jacks.These jacks are ground-compensated, impedance-balanced.Tip is driven output, Ring is GC sense return, Sleeve is chassis.

Aux OUT XLRs 1Thru 6

The six Aux master outputs are also available on these male XLR jacks.These jacks are wired in parallel with the corresponding TRS jacks. Pin 2 is the driven output, Pin 3 is the GC sense return, Pin 1 is chassis.

NOTE: Either type of output jack may be used, but you should avoid using both the TRS and XLR simultaneously. Because the jacks are parallel-wired, the shared GC pin can cause ground-hum to appear in one of the output jacks if the GC circuit is trying to correct for a ground-difference in the other output jack.

Group Inserts 1Thru 4

This switching 1/4” TRS jack allows an external processor or EQ to be inserted into the sig- nal path of the Group circuit. EQs or compressors are commonly used here if the Group is used for sub-mixing.The tip carries the SEND signal from the mixer, and the ring carries the RETURN signal back to the mixer.The insert-send point is located directly after the Group mix bus, the return comes back at the top of the Group master fader

Tip is Send, Ring is Return, Sleeve is Audio Ground.

Send (output) impedance is 100


Return (input) impedance is 5K


Nominal Operating Level= -2 dBu

NOTE: To avoid any degradation of the mixers’s output signal, any processing gear patched into any insert point should have a low impedance output (<100 ) and must be capable of cleanly driving a 2K load to +21 dBu.

Group OUTTRS Jacks 1Thru 4

The four Group master outputs are available on these 1/4” TRS jacks.These jacks are ground-compensated, impedance-balanced.Tip is driven output, Ring is GC sense return,

Sleeve is chassis.

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Crest Audio X 18R, X 20R owner manual Aux Insert 1Thru, Aux Outtrs Jacks 1Thru, Aux OUT XLRs 1Thru, Group Inserts 1Thru