Bits of grated lemon zest add a burst of flavor to this refreshing sorhet.
Jlakes: Eight
7cups sugar
;cup5 water
1-W cups fresh lemon juice
( juice of about 6 lemons)
1 tablespoon yrated lemon zest*
Combine sugar and wter in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil over
*Zest is the colored part of the citrus rind. Do not use the white pith. For best results, remow zest from the lemon with a I qctahle peeler.
**Place mismre in a corered conniner and store in the refrigerator overnight. Or chill over an ice 1~1th for 30 kinutes if you M ish m make sorbet right au a!:
;\ cool and fruig dessert, this whet m&es a simple, yet elegant frozen treat.
.\lake\: Eight 1Lcup servings
?cups suyar
,cups water
;2 ounce ha? froLcn rayherries. 1 cup)
4 teaspoon5 lemon juice
Combine sugar and water in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil over
*Place mixture in 3 covered container and store in the refrigentor overnight. Or chill
Xrt but sleet. fresh grapefruit juice adds pizzazz to this delicate sorhet.
.\IaLes: Eight 1Kcup servings
2cups su!qr
2c u p s water
I tablespoon fineI!- grated ~raprfruit zest*
Combine supar and wwr in d medium saucepdn
and bring to a hoi1 over
add yapefruit juice and zest: stir to combine. Pour into freezer bon I. turn the machine OS and kt mis until niixhlre hxo~nes slush!. ,Ihout
2.7- 30 minutes. If desired. tlansfcr sorbet to an airti$t container ,ind place in tiw7er until firm. ahout 2 hours.
*Ze5t is the colored par’ of the citrus rind. Do not we the u hitc pith. For best resuk. remove zcsf u ith 3 vegetdhle peeler.
**Place mixture in a covered container and store in the refrigerator overnishht. Or chill dver an ice bath for !O kinutes if vou wish to make sorbet ri?ht wav.
Cool and refreshins, lime sherbet has heen a fa\ orne for years!
.\Iakes: Eight
3 cups whole milk
1 cup frozen limeade concentrate. thawed
3 tdtI~eSpOOIlS S_Urdr
7drop5 preen tood colorinp, optional
Combine 9inec lenr 5 in1’ dt:oocf processor1or blender. Pour into freezer howl turn the machine OS and let mix until mixture thickens. about
2.7- 30 minutes. If desired, transfer sherbet to an ;lirtiqhr container and place in tieezer until firm. about Z hours.