It is recommended that you change the admin password for security purposes. Enter in your new password. Enter it in a second time for verification.
Click Next
In the window below, select the method you use to connect to the Internet. This is called the WAN connection or WAN Type.
Static IP Address:
Select this option to manually input the IP address that your ISP assigned to you.
(Please see Assigning
a Static IP Address in
the Troubleshooting
section of this manual.)
Dynamic IP Address: (e.g., Cable users)
Select this option to obtain an IP address automatically from your ISP. Please see Dynamic IP Address section.
Dynamic IP Address with Road Runner Session Management: (e.g., Telstra BigPond users) Choose this option if it is required by your ISP
PPPover Ethernet (PPPoE): (e.g., DSL users) Select this option if your ISP requires the use of PPPoE to connect to their services. Please see PPPoE section.
PPTP: Select this option if your ISP requires it
Once you have made the appropriate selection, click Next.