5PARENTAL LOCK : Toggle ON or OFF using CVOLBbuttons.
6TV GUIDELINES : Set the standard for TV programs except Sports and News. Use VCHWbuttons to select an item. Selected item marked by
7MOVIE RATINGS : Set the standard for movie, video and other media excluding TV program. Use VCHWbuttons to select. Selected item marked by
8NO RATING : This item toggles between UNBLOCK and BLOCK. It determines whether to block or not the program or external source which are not rated by MOVIE RATINS and TV GUIDELINES.
9EXT. SOURCE : This item toggles between UNBLOCK and BLOCK. It determines whether to block or not the external source.
10CHANGE PASSWORD : The password can be changed by this function. Press CVOLBbuttons and ENTER A NEW PASSWORD is displayed. Enter new
password using
11With PARENTAL LOCK ON, rating code name will be displayed on left top of the screen when you moving channels or changing TV/VIDEO mode. If the rating code is a “blocked rating” by your setting, screen goes dark and THIS RATING IS BLOCKED is displayed on bottom of the screen.
12If you want to watch the program or the movie without access and change PARENTAL CONTROL, press RECALL button twice and ENTER THE PASS- WORD / IF YOU WANT BLOCK OFF UNTIL TV IS OFF is displayed. Enter the password using
13If you block ALL column of each rating, all items on same row are automatically blocked. It is applied on TV GUIDELINES setings only.
e. g.) F, V, S, L, D
14If you block a lower rating, higher ratings are blocked automatically. Priorities of rat- ings are explained on the table below. This rule is applied on each column in TV GUIDELINES and MOVIE RATINGS.
| TV Guidelines | MPAA Movie Ratings |
HIGH | X | |
| TV14 | |
| R | |
| PG | |
| G | |
LOW | NR |