Appendix: Dell™ 1707FPV Flat Panel Monitor User's Guide
International Access Code: 00
Country Code: 55
City Code: 51
British Virgin Islands
Country Code: 673
Canada (North York, Ontario)
International Access Code: 011
Cayman Islands
Chile (Santiago)
Online Support | www.dell.com/bm |
| |
Technical Support, Customer Service, Sales | |
Online Support | www.dell.com/bo |
| |
Technical Support, Customer Service, Sales | |
Online Support | www.dell.com/br |
| BR_TechSupport@dell.com |
Customer Service and Tech Support | 0800 970 3355 |
Technical Support Fax | 51 2104 5470 |
Customer Service Fax | 51 2104 5480 |
Sales | 0800 970 3390 |
Technical Support, Customer Service, Sales | |
Technical Support (Penang, Malaysia) | 604 633 4966 |
Customer Service (Penang, Malaysia) | 604 633 3101 |
| or |
Transaction Sales (Penang, Malaysia) | 604 633 3101 |
| or |
Online Order Status | www.dell.ca/ostatus |
Online Support | support.ca.dell.com |
AutoTech (automated Hardware and Warranty Support) | |
Customer Service |
Home/Home Office | |
Small Business | |
Medium/Large Business, Government, Education | |
Hardware Warranty Phone Support |
XPS Computers Only | |
Computers for Home/Home Office | |
Computers for Small/Medium/Large Business, Government | |
Printers, Projectors, Televisions, Handheld, Digital Jukebox, and Wireless | |
Sales |
Home and Home Office Sales | |
Small Business | |
Medium/Large Business, Government | |
Spare Parts and Extended Service | 1 866 440 3355 |
Online Support | |
Technical Support, Customer Service, Sales | |
Online Support | www.dell.com/cl |
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