O P E R A T I N G S YS T E M N O T F O U N D Reinstall the hard drive (see your Service Manual at support.dell.com). If the problem persists, contact Dell (see "Dell Diagnostics" on page 42).

O P T I O N A L ROM B A D C H E C K S U M The optional ROM has failed. Contact Dell (see "Dell Diagnostics" on page 42).

AR E Q U I R E D . DLL F I L E W A S N O T F O U N D The program that you are trying to open is missing an essential file. Remove and then reinstall the program.

Windows XP:

1Click StartControl PanelAdd or Remove ProgramsPrograms and Features.

2Select the program you want to remove.

3Click Uninstall.

4See the program documentation for installation instructions.

Windows Vista:

1Click the Windows Vista Start button Control PanelProgramsPrograms and Features.

2Select the program you want to remove.

3Click Uninstall.

4See the program documentation for installation instructions.

S E C T O R N O T F O U N D The operating system cannot locate a sector on the hard drive. You may have a defective sector or corrupted FAT on the hard drive. Run the Windows error-checking utility to check the file structure on the hard drive. See Windows Help and Support for instructions (click StartHelp and Support). If a large number of sectors are defective, back up the data (if possible), and then reformat the hard drive.

S E E K E R R O R The operating system cannot find a specific track on the hard drive.

S H U T D O W N F A I L U R E A chip on the system board may be malfunctioning. Run the System Set tests in the Dell Diagnostics (see "Dell Diagnostics" on page 42).



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Dell 1310, 1710 manual Click Uninstall