Dell 660F, 224F manual Installation and Troubleshooting Guide, $$$$ $*+,,-!../!&#*0 * $

Models: 224F 660F

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Yes. Replace the ACM(s) with the lit fault indicator as soon as possible. If a replacement ACM is not immediately available, the unit must be shut down to prevent overheating. See the Dell OpenManage Array Manager User's Guide for the proper procedure for shutting down the system without incurring data loss.

No. Proceed to step 2.

2.Is a single fault indicator on a single ACM lighted?

Yes. Replace the ACM with the lit fault indicator. The unit safely operates until the ACM is replaced.

No. Proceed to step 3.

3.Is the problem resolved? Yes. End troubleshooting.

No. See Chapter 9, “Getting Help,” for instructions on obtaining technical assistance.



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NOTE: Removing the ACM also removes the battery pack. If the controller is not currently in conservative cache mode, once the ACM is removed, it will go into con- servative cache mode. See the Dell OpenManage Array Manager documentation for information on troubleshooting the battery.

To remove an ACM, perform the following steps:

1.Ensure that access to the faulty advanced cooling module is not restricted by power cords or cables.

2.Unscrew the captive screws that secure the ACM in its slot.

3.Pull the cooling module out of its slot and set it down on a smooth surface, upside down.

8-12 Installation and Troubleshooting Guide

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Dell 660F, 224F manual Installation and Troubleshooting Guide, $$$$ $*+,,-!../!&#*0 * $