Dell 660F, 224F manual

Models: 224F 660F

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3.Is the problem resolved? Yes. End troubleshooting.

No. See Chapter 9, “Getting Help,” for instructions on obtaining technical assistance.

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To remove the dual in-line memory module (DIMM) from the Dell Fibre Disk RAID Controller, perform the following steps:

1.Ensure that access to the faulty RAID controller module is not restricted by power cords or cables.

2.Remove the RAID controller from its enclosure.

3.Loosen the two screws that secure the RAID controller module cover, and slide the cover off the module.

4.Press outward on the ejectors on the DIMM socket to unseat the memory module.

5.Align the DIMM’s edge connector with the slot in the center of the DIMM socket, and insert the DIMM in the socket.

The DIMM socket has two alignment keys that allow the DIMM to be installed in the socket only one way.

6.Push the DIMM into the socket with your thumbs while pulling on the ejectors to lock it into place. Make sure to support the socket with your fingers to avoid damage.

When the ejectors have locked into place, the DIMM is seated.

7.Slide the RAID controller module cover back into place and replace the two screws.

8.Replace the RAID controller into the enclosure.

See the Dell OpenManage Array Manager User's Guide for information on bringing the controller online.

8-8 Installation and Troubleshooting Guide

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Dell 660F, 224F manual