UNI load balancing and adapter failover does not require any configuration. However, you can statically configure or disable UNI load balancing, if desired.

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This release of Data ONTAP supports the following features and standards:





ATM Forum LANE Version 1.0 LEC Support

UNI 3.0 and 3.1

Interim local management interface (ILMI) Address Registration

ILMI management information base (MIB) extensions for LANE

The software works with the FORE OC3 ATM network interface and on Dell PowerVault 7x0N filers. The software provides Ethernet LANE services, with the capa- bility to configure multiple ELANs on each available network interface.

The current release does not support ATM LANE 2.0, Multi-Protocol Over ATM (MPOA), Classical IP (CLIP), or Token Ring LANE services.


This section and the following sections describe how to configure the ATM adapter in the filer to communicate using ATM LANE. The sections also describe how to verify that an ATM adapter is properly configured and operating on one or more ELANs.

NOTE: See Table 1 for important information before you start configuring the ATM adapters in the filer.






Complete the normal setup proce- dure for your filer, run automatically when you first install the filer.

Know the LECS address for the ELAN that you want the filer to join.

You need an ATM switch with one or more ELANs already configured on the switch (with the corresponding configurations for the LECS, LES, and BUS)

In most cases, the LECS has been config- ured to use the “well-known” address; however, this might be different at your site.

If your site has multiple ELANs, know the ATM address of the LECS for each ELAN you want a client to join.

You can configure each ATM adapter in the filer to communicate over multiple ELANs on the network.

If you need more information about creating an ELAN or configuring the LECS, LES, and BUS, refer to the documentation that came with your switch.

Dell PowerVault 7x0N Systems — Connecting to ATM and FDDI Networks


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Dell 7x0N manual