System Information
Chipset | Intel H81 |
BIOS chip (NVRAM) | 8M SPI Flash ROM |
Expansion Bus |
Bus speed: |
PCI Express | PCIe 2.0 at speeds upto 5.0 GT/s | |
SATA | 0,1 SATA Gen 3 at 6 GB/s and 2,3 SATA Gen 2 at 3 | |
| GB/s |
USB | 80 Mbps |
Cards | Vostro 3800 | Vostro 3900 series |
PCIe x16 | one | one full height card |
PCIe x1 | up to two | up to two full height cards |
PCI | one half height card | one full height card |
Drives |
Externally accessible: |
5.25 inch drive bays | one |
Internally accessible: |
3.5 inch drive bays | one |
External Connectors |
Audio: |
Back panel | three connectors |
Front Panel | two | |
| microphone |
Network | one RJ45 connector | |
USB: |
Front panel | • two USB 2.0 connectors | |
Back panel | four USB 2.0 connectors, two USB 3.0 connectors | |
PS 2 | used to connect a PS 2 compatible keyboard or | |
| mouse |
Video | • one | |
| • one |