Menu Item Description
measurements. By default, the Intel TXT option is
set to Off.
BIOS Update Control Allows you to update the BIOS using either DOS or
UEFI shell-based flash utilities. For environments
that do not require local BIOS updates, Dell
recommends to set this option to Disabled. By
default, the BIOS Update Control option is set to
NOTE: BIOS updates using the Dell Update
Package are not affected by this option.
Power Button Allows you to enable or disable the power button
on the front of the system. By default, the Power
Button option is set to Enabled.
NMI Button Allows you to enable or disable the NMI button on
the front of the system. By default, the NMI Button
option is set to Disabled.
AC Power Recovery Allows you to set how the system reacts after AC
power is restored to the system. By default, the AC
Power Recovery option is set to Last.
AC Power Recovery Delay Allows you to set how the system supports
staggering of power up after AC power is restored
to the system. By default, the AC Power Recovery
Delay option is set to Immediate.
User Defined Delay (60s to 240s) Allows you to set the User Defined Delay mode
when the User Defined option for AC Power
Recovery Delay is selected.
Memory Settings
Table 21. Memory Settings
Menu Item Description
System Memory Size Displays the disk space available in the system.
System Memory Type Displays the type of memory installed on the system.
System Memory Speed Displays the system memory speed.
System Memory Voltage Displays the system memory voltage.
Video Memory Displays the video memory.
System Memory Testing Specifies whether or not system memory tests are run during system boot.
Options are Enabled and Disabled. By default, the System Memory Testing
option is set to Disabled.
Memory Operating Mode Specifies the memory operating mode. The options available are
Optimizer Mode, Advanced ECC Mode, Mirror Mode, Spare Mode, Spare