1-14 Platform Guide
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Obtaining More Information
See the Dell PowerEdge Cluster FFE200 Systems Installation and Troubleshooting Guide
included with your cluster configuration for more information about cluster consolidation
See the Dell PowerEdge Cluster SAN Revision Compatibility Guide included with your
cluster configuration and the Dell Support website at support.dell.com for the latest
firmware and software revision requirements.
See the Dell PowerVault Systems Storage Area Network (SAN) Administrator’s Guide
included with your cluster configuration for information about installing QLogic driver,
QLDirect, QMSJ, and Dell OpenManage Storage Consolidation and for information about
general SAN rules and guidelines.
Incorrect TimeOutValue Setting in the Registry
When you run the Cluster Configuration wizard on a cluster solution running Windows
Server 2003, the wizard modifies the following registry value:
The disk TimeOutValue setting is the timeout value set by Windows for storage system I/O
operations. The Dell | EMC Fibre Channel storage environment requires 60 seconds for
I/O operations. When you run the Cluster Configuration wizard, the wizard sets the
TimeOutValue setting to 20 seconds, which may not be sufficient for complex I/O
operations. Consequently, storage system I/O operations may continually time out.
Microsoft has confirmed a problem with the wizard and has implemented Quick Fix
Executable (QFE) file KB818877 to resolve this issue. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article
KB818877 on the Microsoft website at www.microsoft.com for more information. To resolve
this issue, read the Knowledge Base article for instructions about how to obtain the required
QFE file from Microsoft. Download and apply the QFE as soon as possible.
Additional software
application programs
Dell OpenManage Array Manager.
QLogic QLDirect.
Table 1-6. Cluster Consolidation Rules and Guidelines (continued)
Rule/Guideline Description