All sales are subject to these terms and conditions and no other shall apply.
All prices ar subject to alteration without prior notice .
ods will be invoiced at he price ulin at the time of despatch.
Quotations will be valid for a period of thirty ays unless otherwise stated.
All prices exclude VA which is chargeable at the prevailing ate at the tim of rde .
Carriage and packing charges
will be payable on all ders unless otherwise reed .
Product Specification
Details are correct at the time of going to print an may be altered with out notice in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications.
Title of goods
All good remain the property of Cranlea
and | Compa | ny unt | such time that | pa | yment | ||||||||||||||||
| has |
| mad |
| full. | |||||||||||
a | s per the invoic | bee | e in | ||||||||||||||||||
Account Payment Terms |
| ||||||||||||||||
Unless otherwise agr |
| d, the |
| of | |||||||||||||
ee | term |
| |||||||||||||||||||
payment for goods |
| be ne | t monthly |
| |||||||||||||||
hal |
| ||||||||||||||||||||
account, due and pa | yable not |
| thann |
| ||||||||||||||||
lat |
the twentieth day of the month followingg the date of invoice.
Credit Card Payment
Payment by credit card for goods exceeding the value of £500.00 will be subject to a 5% surcharge on the total order.
Insurance and Risk
Upon delivery, the risk inherent in the goods shall pass to the customer. Cranlea and Company accept no liability for misuse or incorrect use of goods.
All goods should be inspected for damage and shortage upon elivery and any claim for such must be reported within three days of receipt.
Cranlea and Company reserve the right to spect and investigate the complain
before any acceptance of liability is made.
Cranlea guarantees to replace or repair any equipment that is faulty ue to manufacturers defects for a period of twelve month from he date of invoice.
No | ability | will be | accepte | for misuse | |||||
or |
| use of go | ods. | |||
incorr | |||||||||
Return of Goods | |||||||||
No |
| will be accepted for credit | ||||||
| oods |
without prior agreement.
ood incorrectly ordered may be subject o a handling and carriage charge.