8Seca Digital Floor Scale
Electronic personal scale with cable link remote display, BMI and limit value function.
Capacity 200kg Graduations 100g <150kg> 200g (Medical version 160kg / 200g)
Order codes
9Seca Digital Platform Floor Scale
Scale for heavy subjects with large
Capacity 360kg Graduations 100g
(Medical version 300kg / 100g <200kg> 200g)
Order codes
10Seca RS232 Adaptor Kit
RS232 adaptor kit for transmitting data to a the serial interface of a PC or printer. Suitable for models: 701, 797, 780, 882, 767, 634, 635
Order code
11Seca Digital Column Scale
Electronic personal scale with energy saving technology.
Capacity 200kg Graduations 100g
Order code
12Seca Digital Column Scale with BMI
Electronic column scale with BMI function.
Capacity 160kg Graduations 200g
Order codes
13Seca Digital Column Scale with BMI
Electronic column scale with LC display, BMI function & 50g graduation.
Capacity 200kg Graduations 50g <150kg> 100g
Order codes
Scale with BMI | |
Scale with BMI (Medical version class III) | |
Height Measuring rod |
14Seca High Capacity Digital Column Scale with BMI
High capacity and stable electronic column scale with BMI function.
Capacity 250kg Graduations 100g
Order codes
15Seca Digital Weighing and Measuring Station with Automatic BMI
Determine weight, height and BMI in one step, with two displays.
Capacity 250kg | Graduations 50g (Medical version 100g) |
Order codes
(Medical version class III)
c a l l t o d a y 0 1 2 1 4 7 2 0 3 6 1 o r e - m a i l i n f o @ c r a n l e a . c o . u k
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