Using the Control Panel
Print Quality
Bypass Paper Size You can specify the paper size, standard or custom, for the bypass
When the bypass paper size is not specified, the paper siz e you set
on the control panel is used.
If you use PCL 6 or PS2 printer driver to print custom paper size,
the paper size you set in the printer driver is used.
If you use PCL 5e printer driver to print custom paper size, paper
size you set on the control panel is used.
If the Bypass Tray can hold paper of either the short edge feed size
or the long edge feed size, use the short edge feed size.
Specifications of bypass tray depends on the machine . Con-
firm which type of machine you have. See the Copy Reference.
Menu Description
Edge Smoothing You can set whether to enable Edge Smoothing.
Default: On
If Toner Saving is On, EdgeSmoothing is ignored even
if it is On.
The setting in the printer driver takes priority of the setting on
control panel.
Resolution You can set the print resolution in dots per inch.
300 dpi, 600 dpi
300 dpi, 600 dpi
Default: 600 dpi
The setting in the printer driver takes priority of the setting on
control panel.
Menu Description